~First day of School~

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It's early in the morning you wake up do your morning routine and pick out an outfit for the day (here's the fit)

You go downstairs and sit down at the table "so aren't you guys excited for your new school!" MY mother says "yeah I quess" James says "yes!" I reply "so who's gunns drive you two,Y/n or your mom" dad says you look at James he give you a look sayi...

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You go downstairs and sit down at the table "so aren't you guys excited for your new school!" MY mother says "yeah I quess" James says "yes!" I reply "so who's gunns drive you two,Y/n or your mom" dad says you look at James he give you a look saying he wants you to drive "I'll drive" you say "yes!" James mumbles (Time skip) "ok you two have a great day!" Mom yells as you drive off "ok so I'll park at the high-school and you'll walk to the middle school and we meet back at my car after school got it?" "ok sure thing sis" a few minutes later you arrive at the school you both step our while everyone stares "have a good day si-" "yk you aren't leaving without a hug dummy" you say as you hug James "ok now have a good day sis" "Oh and stay out of trouble!" " yes ik sis now let me leave" he leaves as you start to walk into the school soon you find your locker and go to first period you find the class and the teacher makes you introduce yourself "hi my name is Y/N I'm 18 and I recently moved from Oregon to here so um yeah" "that's fantastic,now why don't you sit in the back by steve,Steve raise your hand" your teacher says as your walking to the back someone yells "damn look at her body" you sit down embarrassed by that comment you realize the guy next to you is staring at you "um do you need something?" "Your the girl I saw at the store the other day right?" You think for a moment and remember "oh yeah I remember" "yeah so u wanna hang?" "Sure!" You say (time skip to break) a girl approaches you and Steve "hey baby who's this?" "Oh Nancy this is the new girl" she sticks out a hand "hi I'm Nancy wheeler nice to meet you!" "hi I'm Y/N L/N nice to meet you to" "I think we could be good friends Y/N" the bell rings and Nancy and Steve kiss wich makes you wanna throw up but you go to your next class and on the wa y there you meet a super good looking boy he walks up to your never seen you around here before you new princess?" "Uh yes" "your super pretty wanna hangout sometime doll~" "um no I'm ok" you start to walk off as he shouts "THE NAMES BILLY BY THE WAY!" you ignore him and head to class the next few periods roll around then Steve and Nancy invite you to study in the library together and you agree (later in the library) you all are studying and writing note when Nancy gets up to sharpen her pencil "so was that your younger brother this morning?" Steve asks "yeah he's a dumbass but I love him you say,he laughs but noticed Nancy staring into nothing so he got up and got her our of her trance then they went in a room and you got curious so you went to the door and listened in "Nancy what's wrong?" "How are you acting like everything is fine,like our relationship is fine,like barb missing is fine!" (Ik that's not exactly how it went but my memory of that scene is not the best so If I skip parts that's why) Steve closes the door window blinds you thought he noticed you and that was why then there voices went muffled and they seemed to stop talking so you backed away and Nancy came running out Steve looked at you "you know its not ok to listen in on other people's conversations you know" he said "well you guys left me alone so I got curious" "it's still not ok tho" "yes I know that I'm sorry steve" "it's fine I quess but don't say anything to anyone got it?" U nod (time skip to after school) your waiting for James and when you see him u see he's walking with a ginger haired girl he says goodbye to her and she looks at me and waves I wave back to be polite and I get in the car and so does James "so how was your day james?" "Great and yours?" "It was ok,But who was that girl?" "Oh her name is Max Mayfield we are friends and she also introduced me to her friends Lucas,Mike,Will and Dustin!" The name dustin... "well that's great James!" You get home and you just go upstairs and go and lye in bed and do nothing for awhile when your parents call you down"Y/N COME DOWN!" you go down and your parents tell you someone called and wanted to talk to you "hello?" "hi y/n it's steve!" "Oh hey steve!" "I wanted to know if you wanted to hangout?" "When?" "Um like right now..." "Oh ok sure let me ask my parents" "Oh ok also my friend Dustin would be there and he asked if you could bring James if that's not a bother" "ofc not let me just go ask" "ok!" "HEY MOM COULD I GO HANGOUT WITH A FRIEND?!" "YOU HAVE TO BRING JAMES IF YOU GO!" "OK MOM!" you get back to Steve "so where?" "I'll pick u up cause I gotta drop off Dustin at a friend's house but I think James might wanna go to so" "yeah ok I'll go tell James so I'll see you in a bit" "cool" he says before hanging up,You run upstairs and tell James and he gets excited you go to your room tuchup your makeup and get your shoes on and go wait downstairs with James "so I'm going where?" James asked "idk with Dustin at a friend's house" "Oh ok probably Mike's house" you have no clue who he is but you just say "probably" then you hear a knock at the door you both jump up and walk to the door "he steve!" "Hey Y/N" you see Dustin and James hug "ok let's go" Steve says.you sit in the front with Steve while Dustin and James sir in the back you then arive at a house similar to yours "ok you guys have fun" "Wait james!" You get out and hug him "promise to be good and don't get into trouble!?" "Yes y/n now go have fun with you boyfriend!" "Hes not my boyfriend james!" "Yeah whatever" he says walking into the house with Dustin you get back in the car "ok where are we going now steve?" "Idk where do you wanna go?" "I don't know I bearly know my way around here" "ok ok you wanna go to my house?..." "what no way!" He roles his eyes "how about we go to the park or sone shit then" "no I hate little kids" "well it's that or my house" Steve says "or my house" you say "ok fine" Steve says as he drives back to your house you drag him in "back so soon?" Mom says "uh yeah my friend was sick so I went home" I lied "oh ok" then you continue upstairs with Steve and go into your room "damn your room is pink" "I know!" You giggle you both sit down and just talk about eachothers life's and life in Oregon and end up talking for hours because it ends up getting dark "oh we I got to go y/n xya tomorrow at school" "yeah see you..." (time skip to you picking up James) you knock and see Karen wheeler "hello miss I'm here to get James L/N!" "Oh yes ofc dear here come in and wait while I get the boys" she goes down to get them while you wait by the door they all come up "ok say your goodbyes james" you notice a one of the boys staring at you with a face that you know that he's crushing for you "ok James let's go!" You both walk out "so hoe was your date with steve?~" " it wasn't a date and I'd never like him!" Yeah whatever" James says on the ride home all he talks about it how they playes D&D the whole time as u arrive home you eat your food and go to bed thinking about your day...

Authors note:
Hey guys sorry I wrote this a few days after I was going to but its just I've been so tired and thinking of ideas it so hard but this chapter was longer so that's good but yeah I promise I'll try to upload a little bit sooner ok byeeeeee♡

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