the vanishing of will byers

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Open on November 6th 1983 Hawkins Indiana as we see Hawkins national laboratory U.S department of energy As we see a scientist running away in terror as we hear screaming and an animal growling as the terrified scientist got inside the elevator the scientist looked up and saw that the creature was on the ceiling and killed him

Cut to the wheelers house as we see four boys and one girl playing dungeons and dragons As Mike the dungeon master was narration what was happening in the game

Mike: something is coming something hungry for blood a shadow grows on the wall behind you swallowing you in darkness it is almost here

Will: what is it

Dustin: what if it's the demogorgon Oh Jesus we're so screwed if it's the demogorgon

Lucas: it's not the demogorgon

Jane: could be

Mike: an army of troglodytes charge into the chamber!

Dustin: troglodytes

Lucas: told ya

(As they laugh )

Mike: wait a minute did you hear that That that sound boom boom boom! (Hitting his fist on the table) that didn't come from the troglodytes no that came from something else (placing the figure on the board) the demogorgon!

(Lucas will Dustin and Jane groaning in disappointment)

Jane: ha! Called it!

Dustin: we're in deep shit

Mike: will your action!

Will: I don't know

Lucas: fireball him!

Will: I need to roll a thirteenth or higher

Dustin: to risky cast a protection spell

Jane: oh please that's playing it to safe
Don't be a pussy fireball him!

Dustin: cast protection

Mike: (bangs his hands on the table) the demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering! It stomps towards you boom!

Lucas/Jane: (in unison) fireball him!

Dustin: cast protection!

Mike: another stomp boom!

Lucas/Jane: fireball!

Dustin: protection!

Will: (rolls the dice) fireball!

(As the dice rolls off the table landing somewhere in the basement)

Jane: damn it

Mike: oh shit!

Lucas: where'd it go where is it

Will: I don't know!

Dustin: is it a thirteen

Jane: we don't know Dustin!

Lucas: where is it

Dustin: oh my God! oh my God! oh my God!

Lucas: can you find it yet

Will: no I can't find it

(As Mike's mom Karen comes in yelling for Mike as she opened the door)

Karen: Mike!

Mike: mom we're in the middle of a campaign

Karen: you mean the end fifteen after

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