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Taehyun really likes his job most of the times.

Sure, nor was it job of his dreams when he was a kid, neither it reaches the expectation that all of his teachers used to have for him, but it's stable, not badly-paid and Taehyun is good at it. But maybe that last part shouldn't be taken to consideration - after all Taehyun seems to be the prodigy in every thing he touches. He's always been like that - brilliant student, outstanding athlete, class president, not even once missing his spot at the top of every school ranking. His teachers, scratch that, the whole small town of Gongjin was predicting a bright future for him. Finally someone who's able to get out of here! They were saying.

Cause Taehyun wasn't only able to do that, with his academic achivements and ambitious personality all signs in the sky and earth it looked like he was destined to leave his provincial hometown.

Imagine the shock and dissapointment of local community when the well-known golden boy didn't pursue any spectacular career, decline all college offers, didn't even move out from his mother's house. His status dramatically dropped from the great hope of the town to the even greater dissapointment just because Taehyun decided to become smalltown fixer.

But even the gossiping neighbourhood have to admit that the term fixer is an understatement when it comes down to Taehyun. Cause maybe all those predications and hopes placed in him washed away as the time passed by, but he's still the same hard-working and aspiring boy he's been since he was a kid. And when Taehyun is about to get something done, half way is never an option.

Kang Taehyun is the local jack-of-all-trades. He's not only capable of fixing - he's no stranger to renovations or builder's job as well. The title of handyman he earned himself back in highschool, but after graduation he really mastered his skills, quickly becoming the true prodigy in his profession. The demand for his services quickly became overwhemling for a single man to take care of but it wasn't too much to Taehyun. Like a sly fox he is, he started a first ever renovation and constructor company in Gongjin. Other man working in the same field, usually more experienced than still young, almost fresh from highschool boy were already complaining about the skillfull bastard who's looking down on everyone and taking their job away, but Taehyun just shruged it off. And maybe shamelessly offers them workplaces at his little company, since they couldn't find contracts by themselves anymore and he was feeling extra generous.

The small town may have a love-hate relationship with Taehyun, the smart-ass not necessary gaining sympathy of local community, but no one can deny that he earned himself the respect and quite a reputation not only in Gongjin but in whole region, often getting work offers from villages and other little towns nearby. Everyone admires his dedication and hard work, but there is just one little thing one can never be sure of when Teahyun is in charge of renovation or build. And let's just say that whenever the unfamous fixer decides to do his little innovations it's not the most pleasant suprise to his customers.

"As you can see Mrs Wang, we get rid of the old wallpaper and replace it with fresh paint. The light colours will brighten your kitchen and make it look bigger. Don't worry, the paint is easy to wash in case it get staned, also we put a layer of primer underneath, so it's a solid work, don't need to worry for next renovation for a long time..."

As Taehyun shows Mrs Wang, the owner of a house where he just finished last touch-ups of the kitchen renovation, round, he just can't not notice the confusied anf flabbergasted look painted on her face. But he ingores it, his little tour continues as he chuckles in his heart. The house of the Wang family is one of the oldest in neighbourhood and it was a pure joy for Taehyun to be in charge of renovating it. Not many knows that his passion for architecture is the thing that pushed him into getting this job and being able to find out that Wang's home is full of almost antique elements gave him almost ectasy. The sound of old but solid wooden floor that they discovered once ugly floorboards were removed is like a music to his ears. He can't believe that orginal, beautiful, probably hand-crafted specially for the old house use elements like the mentioned floor were over the years neglected and hidden for the sake of trashy and campy furnitures and other modern constructions that just didn't fit here.

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