He can still remember their happy times when they went to the park together, play games together and talk happily. But it would all be ruined just because he was blamed on something he never did.

It was a nice peaceful day, his brother lied and took everything just for himself. He blamed him that he was the one who wants him dead.

He said that he was bullied by his brother, but he never did. He tried to denied it, but they never listened.

He bullied others, and he was put for the blame.

He brain washed his parents that he was the bad child.

They blamed everything to him, and him alone.

Even if it was their fault, it became his fault.

They didn't support him, they just want to ruined him.

He found himself getting comforted by dancing, but they didn't support it.

But it was ok.

He doesn't need their permission to dance, so it's ok.

But he never thought that they would go that far.

They wanted to go up. And by doing so is that to step over him.

They ruined it.


They crushed his dreams. After they did it, they said that they were sorry. But it's too late.

He can never go up again.

His world became black and white as they crushed the only thing he loves. They wanted to get closer to him again, but it's too late. He can never trust them or anyone again, cause he's afraid to be betrayed again.

He only isolated himself by reading novels and such. And somehow he felt like he was in his own world as he read his favorite novels, and one of them was the novel "THE LONELY PRINCESS". He can't get enough of it as he reads it over and over again. He treats the novel's protagonist, Athanasia as a sister for some reason, but sadly the two of them can't exist at the same time.

He snapped out off his thoughts as he can feel the people staring at him, he didn't realized the way he was staring at the little girl, it was too intense that it made her cry.

He quickly looked away as he mentally face palm himself. Then the lights turned green, he pushes his wheelchair chair to cross the road. His next destination will be in the train station.

Because of being in a wheelchair, he missed his first train and he will only have to wait for the next train to arrive. Then someone pushed his wheelchair off the railings, as he fall he got a glimpse of the culprit who pushed him. It was his brother who got sent to the mental hospital, his brother just laughed as he pushed him. That was the last thing he saw as he landed on the ground and passed out.

Did he felt lost?
> No he did not

Did he expect it?
>He sure did as he didn't even felt any emotions as he fell down.


As I passed out, I already know that I have died there. The train was arriving back there, it will only take 5 minutes before I get hit. And 5 minutes won't be enough for them to realize what happened, help a unconscious person get up on the railings and them to get up before the train hits.

'Such a pity. Well at least I'm out of that shitty world now.'

I thought as I still didn't know we're the fuck I was. Was I in heaven? But it's too cramp in here. I can feel someone beside me, I touch them and I felt like I was supposed to be by their side at any cost. Then I closed my eyes as I held their hand.


I didn't know how long it was. But when I woke up, I was wrapped with a warm blanket and was in someone's embrace. I looked around and saw trees and bushes, everything was so big including the person who was embracing me. She was trembling, sweating and gasps for air quietly.

'Why does she looks so scared?'

I thought as it was very obvious that she was hiding from someone or something. Then she suddenly looked at me, which made me flinched. She had a very beautiful emerald eyes and red hair, and it seems like she was about to cry but dare not to.

"It's alright, prince. We will get out of this as soon as possible, so please bare with me." She whispered to me while she smiles beautifully and pat my head.

I wanted to asked her something. Why did she called me prince? Why does she treats me like I'm a baby? And why was she was so big?

"Gooo~(Exuse me.)" I whispered so she can I only hear it.

'But wait! Gooo~'

I raises my hands in the air and looked at it. It was very chubby and small. Wait! Am I a baby right now? I screamed silently as I was too shock to even make any sounds.

Does this even make sense? I just died and now I'm an infant? Is this how heaven works? After you die, you will turn into an infant and go find you way to heaven? Is that even possible? How are you going to go to heaven in your own if you can't even crawl!? This is scam!

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