"It says, Y/n Woo, Ministry of Education, Teachers's Rights Protection Agency. Wow, it means I have the same authority Mr. Hwajin Na has, lucky me!" you cheered, thinking that you were better in acting than Hwajin. Maybe you should have signed under an entertainment agency instead. Oh well.

"Thank you for the accommodation of my stay here, but can I just say... your school sucks. You're even willing to beg on your knees to a pubescent teenage boy, so I don't think you should be doubting his methods of teaching." you said, rubbing salt into the wound...especially after what Hwajin had said.

"Hey you, VP. Gather all of the teachers and staff in the gym." Hwajin said, as he walked away.

"Go get the equipments, kid," he continued, this time the command was directed at you. Your eyes widened.

"Me?! All by myself? That's impossible! At least help me! Hey! Listen to me you old man!" you exclaimed, but it seems that all your complaints were being ignored by Hwajin, as if he was used to this.

"If you can carry kilograms of weapon and armoury for days last time, you can definitely drag around lightweights to the gym,"

"Tch...fine. But you still suck at acting!"


You didn't bother staying back. You knew what Hwajin was going to do anyway. So you left him and went back home.

It felt strange. It looked strange. Do all school uniforms look like this? You had always wondered how you would look like if you went toa normal school.

What it was like to live a normal life.

'it must be peaceful' you thought, cursing your parents for abandoning you while you were an infant.

You never knew what it was like to see the sunlight, up until you escaped that horrid academy. Up until you had no choice but to hide to survive. Up until you were taken into the military.

But you were still being chased by those so-called instructors at the academy. But truth be told, it wasn't just an academy. You didn't remember much, but it felt like prison.

But now that you were a teenager, the academy lost interest in finding you. Simply because you were no longer a child they could manipulate.

No one was on your tail anymore, you were safe. You left the military, you were free. But you no longer remember that feeling of excitement jolting through your veins, nor can you remember the last time your legs shook in fear.

'maybe i'll stay around for a little longer before giving the drop out letter' you sighed, throwing yourself onto the bed once you took a shower and changed into more comfortable clothes.


Well, now everywhere you walked there were teachers punishing students for their weong doings.

These teachers were coming up with their own versions of punishments, each one weirder than the last.

The craziest one yet, was witnessing students carrying a whole log. Yes, as in tree, log...you get what I meant.

And of course, many students weren't happy but only some were still brave enough to rebel against it.

What happened to them? Well, you just let Hwajin handle them...he was very good at that. Though, you had no idea what he talked about in there...not that you were curious.

𝙨𝙝𝙚'𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙡 - True EducationWhere stories live. Discover now