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"Don't expect me to love you."

The man said in a cold harsh tone.

But that's not what caught his attention. He can see it through the red veil that's draped over his head.

A clean face, a strong sharp jaw, and dark wavy hair. Cold eyes that are so black it feels like you're staring right at an abyss full of darkness and despair.

In short, a very VERY handsome man was standing in front of him but that very VERY handsome man was none other than Yoo Joonghyuk the main protagonist of the clićhe novel he read the day before things went to shit.

Kim Dokja is an ordinary man, with a completely normal appearance and a mediocre job in an ordinary company. He loves reading web novels and it's the only thing that's kept him alive...... well maybe except for his annoying best friend that he will die for.

His life is completely dull except when his annoying best friend had another story for him to read. Having an author as a best friend is the only thing that makes his life a little exciting and adds the occasional chaos his best friend brings.

One night after a tiring day at work he decided to read the joke novel his best friend Han Sooyoung sent him earlier that day.

It was a clićhe novel that starts with the main protagonist's journey in conquering the other nations and making his kingdom into an empire and becoming the emperor then gaining the title of Supreme Emperor his fame has spread all over the world.

To get some semblance of control over the Supreme Emperor, the nobles and officials agreed to make the Emperor marry one of their children. Thus the creation of the Supreme Emperors Imperial Harem.

As you can see the novel isn't about Yoo Joonghyuk's cool adventure of conquering kingdoms but a harem fight type of novel. There's betrayal, major character deaths, assassination, political play, and downright gory scenes.

'Ughhhhh... Han Sooyoung just why did you write this??'

Kim Dokja didn't know if it was because the story is a joke novel or if it was because Han Sooyoung wants to mess with him but one of the villains of the novel has the same name as his.

Kim Dokja in the novel was forced to become a spy and marry the Supreme Emperor because his sister who was originally the one whose going to marry Yoo Joonghyuk ran away with another man.

Because the Kim Household was the most influential family in the Empire they pushed Kim Dokja to be the Empress but Yoo Joonghyuk refused, leaving the empress's seat empty and Kim Dokja as a Noble Consort.

When Kim Dokja finally sees Yoo Joonghyuk on their first night he fell in love with the Emperor but the Emperor leaves him that night heartbroken after coldly stating that Yoo Joonghyuk will never love him.

The Dokja of the novel was so desperate to get the Emperor's attention that he did anything to get it but got only met by cold glares and indifference from the man.

Whenever Kim Dokja learned that the emperor visits another consorts chamber and stays the night, he gets jealous to the point he planned all of their deaths making him a ruthless person who will do anything for the love he desperately wishes.

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