A Case of the Clumsies

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The next day, Sophina was still reading her book when Hildegard came up to her. "Sophina, I have very much admired how well you did yesterday," she said with a fake smile.

"Thank you, Hildegard," said Sophina.

"You're welcome, and to show how amazed I am, I sincerely hope you will accept this token of my admiration," Hildegard said, taking out a little black box.

Hildegard opened the box, and inside was a double-headed snake pin.

"Oh, it's a very delightful two-headed snake pin, Hildegard," said Sophina happily. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," said Hildegard. "Allow me to put it on for you." She carefully pinned the pin on Sophina's jacket.

"May it bring you the best luck," Hildegard said. Then she turned away and evilly muttered, "You're going to need it."

Bertram came and said, "Your Highnesses, it's now time for your next test."

The princesses were about to get ready for their test, but then Sophina tripped.

"Are you okay, Princess Sophina?" asked Bertram.

"Yes, I'm fine," said Sophina.

But Sophina wasn't too sure if she was fine—she wished she knew why she had suddenly tripped like that. She didn't have time to worry because she needed to show up for the gracefulness test.

"Okay, princesses," said Bertram. "Each princess will gracefully waltz with her father to show how graceful she really is." A waltz began to play.

Hildegard was waltzing perfectly, but Sophina kept tripping and accidentally stepping on her father's toes. Hildegard was happy to see Sophina mess up like this. Finally, Sophina tripped and fell down—and that's when Prince Hugo commanded the orchestra to stop.

"Sophina, are you okay?" asked Eric.

"I think so," said Sophina. She tried to get up but wound up slipping and falling down again.

"Maybe you need a little rest, honey," said Karina.

"Maybe we can continue the test later?" Prince Hugo requested.

"I suppose so, my son," said Austin.

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