twenty-two: to fight an upper rank

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he used a mist breathing form to strike at the demon. hikari sees him dodge to the ceiling. she takes note of the way he seems to be cowering, trembling at the sight of the demons and demon slayers.

before he opens his mouth to speak, hikari swipes at him with her nails. he dodges, but tanjiro unleashes his own technique.

he dodges.

nezuko finally lands a hit, seeming to have turned to a battle-mode. hikari stares at the demon, the way he cowers on the floor.

"nezuko! don't transform yet!" tanjiro orders his sister.

transform? what does-

hikari doesn't finish her train of thought. muichiro beheads the demon with ease. the sound of a body dropping, and a head rolling on the floor make hikari stare in awe.

something is wrong.

the demon doesn't have a lingering feeling of death. his body doesn't smell of an ounce of ash. it almost feels like muichiro's blade didn't pass through his neck.

"focus! beheading an upper rank isn't always as it seems!" tanjiro yells at muichiro, his mind flashing to his fight with daki and gyutaro.

hikari watches as the body makes squealching sounds. it groans and bubbles, morphing into something new. something dangerous. she sees horns on a head. a staff appears, followed by a fan.

two new demons proudly stand, one with an angry expression, and the other with a rather laid-back grin.

upper four is etched into their eyes.

one holds a fan of some sort. the other, however, holds a large staff. hikari stands just before him, sensing the sheer amount of electricity in the demon. he can feel her power as well, radiating off her with vibrancy. he grits his teeth at her, recognizing her as one he was told to kill on sight.

muichiro aims for the demon with the fan. hikari lunges for the staff-demon as he does so, but she suddenly screams the second the fan-demon blasts muichiro away.

"you having fun, sekido?" the fan-demon asks. hikari can see the kanji for karaku on his tongue. on the other demon's, she can see sekido.

relaxment and anger.

they're named after which emotions they represent.

before sekido can answer, hikari kicks his chest. he just watches as electricity dances between her fingertips, ready to electrocute him.

"oh, you're rather pretty!" karaku compliments. "i think we should let you live until morning, and then burn you under the sun."

he waves his fan, blasting hikari away.

she feels herself smash into the side of a building. she falls to the ground, her head whining and white flashes surrounding her vision.

no- that's not an effect of her head injury.

it's lightning.

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