♡ Two ♡

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Juliette's POV
10:25 AM

As we walked out of the building we headed to Billy's car. The one and only blue Camaro. I didn't realize I had parked my car next to his. He opened the passenger door for me and I hopped in. He shut the door and made it around the divers seat and sat down, closing the door after.

"Where we headed, Hargrove?" I asked. "I might know somewhere we can go, Jules." He responded as his shit eating grin started to form. My stomach became more fluttery by the second. No one called me Jules before, but the way he said it- it was like music to my ears.

Everyone called me Julie or my name, and sometimes slut. I didn't mind because I knew it wasn't true, I just had my fair of share of guys and hook-ups. I turned up the radio and started playing "Girls Girls Girls" by Motley Crue.

"Girls, girls, girls
Long legs and burgundy lips
Girls, girls, girls
Dancin' down on Sunset Strip
Girls, girls, girls
Red lips, fingertips

Trick or treat, sweet to eat
On Halloween and New Year's Eve
Yankee girls, you just can't be beat
But you're the best when you're off your feet."

Billy started to tap his fingers to the beat on the steering wheel as I started humming along to the lyrics.

"Girls, girls, girls
At the Dollhouse in Ft. Lauderdale
Girls, girls, girls
Rocking in Atlanta at Tattletails
Girls, girls, girls
Raising Hell at the 7th Veil

Have you read the news
In the Soho Tribune?
You know she did me
Well, then she broke my heart
I'm such a good, good boy
I just need a new toy"

We both started to sing. It was honestly really funny. The Billy Hargrove was singing. Who would've imagined. I started to chuckle in-between words of the song. He was zooming down the streets of Hawkins while we were still singing our hearts out.

"What's so funny, Wheeler?" He said while smirking.

"You, who would've known that the Billy Hargrove had a soft side." I replied still giggling at his ridiculous attempt to sing. He wasn't too bad but I of course was better.

"Mh, you've got great taste, princess." He responded completely dodging my comment. "I see we are making nicknames now, pretty boy. And thank you- I know." I said sarcastically while blushing at the name "princess".

I would've gagged if it came out of some else's mouth, but I couldn't help but feel warm about the name and the way it came from him.

We eventually came to a stop. I looked around and saw a deck going out to a lake. He got up and opened the door for me. I got out and he shut the door behind me.

"I hope this isn't where you kill me and then dump my body." I said snickering at my joke. "Mh now that you brought it up.." He said matching my energy.

"Oh yeah? Well you better catch me first!" I say sprinting away towards the deck. He chased after and picked me up over his shoulder, laughing as he dropped me down. I looked longingly into his eyes then his lips and back up to see his perfect diamond blue eyes.

I stepped back and started to get out of my clothes, practically stripping in front of him. Only to find myself in my matching black set, lace bra and lace panties. I could see him looking me up and down, like he was starving and wanted to get a taste of me.

I dived into the water and came up the surface. "You getting in, pretty boy?" He nodded and smirked at the pet name I gave him. He started to strip of his shirt and jeans, leaving him in his boxers. I scanned his body slowly, starting at his feet then to his eyes where they met mine.

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