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"Enjoying? " Sakshi asked with an excited smile.
I wasn't pretty sure about us but she was enjoying it as hell. I nodded at her.

" Perfect! Now you will enjoy it more " She winked at me and ran somewhere.

"What do you mean? " My words kept hanging in the air as she left on her toes.

Before I could even know she was back with a mischievous grin on her face. I was alarmed, She meant she was going to enjoy it not me. Soon a desi Punjabi music started playing at full volume making me go deaf.

She came to us and dragged us in the middle.

The hell!

I tried to have a word with her but she was hell-bent on making us both dance at the loud beats.

Bloody Noise pollution!

I thought Suhani will also say No and then Sakshi would not have a choice instead of letting us go but my hard luck. Suhani was already fascinated with the song. She matched her moves with Sakshi and kept grooving to the songs that kept changing. I was standing there dumbfounded. Was not she tired?
Every time I think I know her better, she surprises me.

Did I mention how cute she looked while dancing? She has always been crazy about dance. I remember her participating in intra-school dance competitions and winning trophies for our school. Then she was Bharatnatyam trained, I never knew she could also dance to peppy numbers. She was absolutely killing it.

Soon the relatives too joined and it turned out to be a crazy night. I kept standing there clapping with a smile pasted on my face.

Everyone was dancing and enjoying...Dadu was twirling Suhani and she was giggling.

Something caught my eye...Taking advantage of the dim lights a man from the crowd was continuously staring at Suhani's back and attempted to touch her a few times.

My blood boiled...how dare he thought of touching my wife?

I will bloody kill him.

Who the bloody hell invited this leech?

In no time Suhani was in my arms...She looked shocked at me and Dadu smirked. Only if he knew about that man he would have killed him with his bare hands.

I pulled her into me...and glared at that man who looked scared as I already signaled our security to throw him out not before treating him well.

I would have ripped him apart but I don't want to spoil everyone's mood.

I looked at Suhani who was still looking at me shocked by my actions...In those dim lights...her eyes were shining brightly...I can't tell how ethereal she was looking ... more Beautiful than my imgination. I twirled her once and pulled her again in my arms.

As my hands moved on her body her eyes widened...she looked so cute I was scared I would end up eating her as dessert. In one Swift motion, I opened her lush black hair.

Which were in a loose and messy bun...Her hairs cascade down covering her bare back

I don't want anyone to look at what is mine now. My every action was making her breath faster...and I am enjoying it so much.

When it got too crowded I just dragged them both out.

They could have got hurt. Suhani made a frown looking at me while Sakshi glared at me for running her dance.

"Sakshi, did you know they have got gol gappa? " I asked the food addict and saw a glint of betrayal in her eyes. Seems nobody told her about her favorite snack. She quickly ran to the good counter leaving me alone with my glaring wife.

"What? " I asked her in a bored tone.

"I was enjoying myself there" She huffed in annoyance but I pretended to ignore her.

" Let's have dinner" I held her hand and started walking behind Sakshi strolling along with Suhani.

"Arrogant pig" I heard her mutter under her breath.

Pig? She could have at least said arrogant handsome husband.

We sat at the table set for us. At least something was good in this whole function drama. We got to have tasty food. I was about to take a bite of Naan somebody interrupted me, "Sir, feed your wife"


At least let us have our food in peace.

We fed each other and that man desperately took our pictures.
I don't understand who would want to look at us while having food that too in a picture. It was so illogical that I wanted to smack someone's face.

As soon as he left both of us sighed in relief.

Then we had our dinner in peace.

We were again made to sit like a showpiece and the second round of gifting was going on. Although I was hell bored, for the sake of the family I was sitting there ruining my back for life.

There was some dance performance going on when suddenly the lights went off and a spotlight focused on a man whose only back could be seen.

Was it the part of the dance performance?

"Congratulations! brother" He turned around and I could no longer feel the floor beneath me. I least expected him to be present here...I heard her gasp beside me. He slowly walked towards me and engulfed me in a hug...I was too stunned to react.

He came out of the hug and then passed a smile to her. I looked at her to find uncertain expressions on her face.

Was she still in contact with him?
Is he still close to her and here like a fool I was dreaming about our happily ever after?
I again got myself fooled.

They say right Once a cheater always a cheater.
Please ignore grammatical mistakes.

Happy Janamashtami to all who are celebrating❤❤✨✨.

Suhani's dress (Credit :- Pinterest)

*******Suhani's dress (Credit :- Pinterest)

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Editor :- its_chahat_here ❤✨

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