sick ( Alma Peregrine)

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Y/N P.O.V : 

i woke at feeling so dizzy and sick , as i tried to stand i fell back onto the bed and i guess that woke alma up cause i sensed warm hands on my shoulder that surely belonged to my dear wife  "my love are you ok" i could her the worry in her voice as she spoke "don't worry sweetheart i'm ok"i turned to face her only to see her concerned look "you wouldn't be awake at this time if you were fine my dear i know how much you love your sleep" she laughed quitely at the end of her sentence and that was the cutest and prettiest laugh i've ever seen"i just feel a bit dizzy i'll probably be fine tomorrow morning" i said and searched her face for any type of reaction and she clearly didn't buy my exuse"if you say so darling"

i went to lay down when i felt two arms wrap around me , my wife's arm , she pulled the blanket over us and i felt her leaving a sweet and gentle kiss on my forhead "oh my bird , sweetheart you are burning"she looked at me with that worried look of hers again and i couldn't help but feel bad cause she's always taking care of me and i feel like a burden all the time "i'm sorry"at that exact moment i felt something on my face , god was i crying "you have nothing to apologise for hun , it is my duty to take care of you i'm your wife after all"she said sweetly as she caressed my cheek "i love you" she leaned down and kissed my lips softly"i love you too"

i layed there staring at the ceiling as i waited for my bieutifull wife to return from the bathroom with a cold rag , i turn my head to the side and see a gorgeous woman coming my way she looks like an angel and just the way she walks makes me wanna kiss her , wait a second that's actually my wife "what's on your mind little bird"she asked with that amazing smile that somehow always  makes me wanna kiss , basically everything about her makes me wanna kiss her "nothing just the bieutifull woman in front of me that i lukilly get to call my wife"her smile only grew wider and it made me so happy that i kind of forgot about the pain i was having , ughh this headache is killing and alma must have noticed since i couldn't see her smile anymore and here goes that worried expression again "sweetheart i'm fine don't worry"even if i kept saying i'm fine she wouldn't buy it and i hate to see her like that specially when it's cause of me "lying is never the solution you know that right dear" she said playfully "and who said i'm lying"i responded with the same energy"well you are lying cause i know you're not doing well"ok she have a point here " ok i feel a bit off but i'll be fine i promise" she took my hand in hers then spoke "honey i don't mean to exagerate but you are burning"i just looked at her and  gave up "ok i do feel dizzy". after that she just held me until i fell asleep " goodnight little bird"she said softly kissing my forhhead " goodnight my love". 


I woke up to someone leaving sweet kisses all over my face "time to wake up darling" i opened my eyes with the biggest smile on my face "goodmorning bluebird" i said with my morning voice "how are you feeling now"she asked then i remebred last night's events "i feel a lot better actually all thanks to you my love"

A/N : hi there that'll be all for this chapter thank you for reading :)

MPHFPC one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora