Chapter 1

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Narrators POV

Y/N walked into her room sighing as she plopped onto her bed, exhausted. It's been a long day for the brunette, hunting all those level E's really does take a toll on ones body. She tossed onto her side as she closed her eyes at an attempt to finally rest— that was until there was a soft knock at her door.

knock knock

"Who is it?"  She called out, somewhat annoyed at the sudden disturbance. 'i swear if it's kaname—' "Deez nutz" said a familiar voice from the other side followed by a laugh. (Y/N) sighed as she got up to open the door to look at the owner of the voice. "You're truly a gentleman, Hanabusa." She said sarcastically as she leaned against the door frame to eye the blonde, curious as to what he would be needing to talk to her for. "What brings you here? Surely it can't be to talk to me?" She jested, "The dorm president sent me to come get you, he needs to have a word with you." At that, (y/n) groaned. It's been a long day and he's already waiting with another task for her? 

The pair made their way towards where Kaname was residing- bracing themselves for what he had in store for them. 'Please not another Level E' (Y/N) prayed as she pushed open the doors to reveal the brunette sitting at his desk with a book. As if on cue, the male put his book down to greet the other two with a smile "Well, that was fast." He said with a chuckle as he stood up walking over to them "That's all Aido, you may leave." (Y/N)'s brows knitted in confusion as she watched Hanabusa leave before turning to look at the pureblooded vampire. "What was it you needed me for?" She asked, standing up properly out of respect for the man before her. "I need you to keep tabs on Kiryu." 

(Y/N) flinched at the mention of the name, the last time she had encountered the silver-haired male it ended with both of them needing medicalt attention. "Oh? What for, has he been to close to your precious Yuki?" She smirked as she eyed the other vampire with a soft 'heh' leaving her lips as he sighed. "Please just do as I say." HE said, not wanting to continue on the comment she made, "Fine, but I'm not doing this for your little human. I'm doing this because it was an order from you." The girl huffed as she left the room with a slam.

Kaname's POV 

'Does everyone think that everytime I assign them that task?'  I sighed as I went back to my book, looking through the pages before momentarily looking outside to see (Y/N) tailing Kiryu. 'She has a sharp tongue but she does what she is told. That (Y/N) is truly something...'

(A/N) I'll be editing this story and addding more to the plot, etc. ty for still reading! this chapter is somewhat short bc I'm still getting back into it T_T but I will do my best at updating regularly! 

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