The investigation

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Kat sat down where she normally sits, on the island in the kitchen, opposite the cooker, closest to the window
Kat wasn't anything special, a bit taller then average, with a well built frame, with some not so obvious muscles. She had vanta black hair, which was messy and unkempt, yet still fairly neat, and an oddly shaped iris, with no sight of a pupil. She donned her favourite outfit, which was a bright red skirt, with a darker red jumper on top. She paired that with white thigh highs, which complimented her dark outfit and her light skin nicely
"Bună dimineața" She said, smiling at her mum
"Would you like breakfast?" The mother responded in Romanian, and the teenager nodded
"an omelette with vegetables will be alright" she answered, pouring herself a cup of coffee, and putting sugar in it, before taking a sip, and turning to the news on the small TV. It played the common, everyday stuff. She grabbed the remote, and changed the channel to some crime show she enjoyed, watching it for a bit, as her mum placed the plate with an omelette on the counter, and Kat thanked her
After a bit, Kats sister came running downstairs, slamming onto the door frame
"Bună dimineața!" She announced, seemingly rushed. This was not uncommon for Caitlyn, the sister of Kat, who was more chaotic and rushed, a girl who had a habit of sleeping in late and ignoring alarms- even if she set 60 for every minute for an entire hour, she would still out sleep it
She was still in her Pyjamas, barefoot, with messy hair. Knowing her, Caitlyn ran downstairs just for food, to crawl back into bed. She had multiple piercings on each ear, however more on her left ear. Her iris was normal, with a goats pupil, however her iris appeared split in half
"Caitlyn, you ran downstairs for food that'll take time to cook" her mother said, and caitlyn rolled her eyes
"Not like im going anywhere" she replied, and glanced at Kat, who was fully dressed "Where are you going, Kitty Kat?" She questioned, and Kat sighed "Father Raiden has agreed to help me with my English" she scoffed, and put a piece of omelette in her mouth
Her sister scoffed, and slumped into the seat next to her, and their mums phone began ringing, so she put the phone on speaker and hushed the girls
"Elena, I won't be able to teach Kat today" Father Raiden said on the other side
"Sam? What's going on, you always are able to make time for the girls, you also sound anxious, is everything fine?" The mother said
Father Raiden sighed, before taking a few seconds
"How do I say this.... remember the Robinson family living outside of the town? Someone broke in, tortured and killed them all- including the kids, it's messed up, it's hard to tell what happened, it's a bloody massacre, the police want to basically pick my brains, see if I can figure out what happened because they've got no clue"
The mother dropped the item in her hand "they're... dead? Even the children? Who would do such a thing?" The mother asked, pain overflowing her voice. Kat put her cutlery down and spoke up
"Hey. Father Raiden? Can I come?" She asked
"Uh-why-" he asked, but was quickly interrupted
"Oh come on, I'm a criminology student, wouldn't field training be good? I'm also really smart!" She said, trying to convince him
He sighed, saying something in Spanish, another male voice responding in Spanish, before giving his response in English
"Why not? It'll be good, especially since crime scene investigation is your dream career, but you better leave soon, because I'm leaving in around 20 minutes" he said, and she chuckled
"I've never been late in my life!"

After breakfast, she ran upstairs and grabbed her shoes- a pair of slip on flats, then grabbed her coat and bag, running to the families friends house, knocking on the door
After a few seconds, the door unlocked, and the priest opened the door
He was tall, with long hair, naturally split dye red and black. He had amber eyes, yet covered one with his hair, apparently he lost it in an attack as a kid. He wasn't wearing his traditional cassock, as she was used to, but instead a clerical shirt and some jeans, with ankle boots. Like her, he wore a coat to keep out the cold
He pushed his glasses up his nose, and then smiled warmly
"You're fast, Kat" he said, as he moved out of the way of the door, for her to enter, which she did
His home was lavish, and looked well kept, the furniture had a rich 1900 family vibe, with wine red wall, fitting nicely with the gold accessories laced around the room. Though it did fit his and his niece's taste of Victorian furniture perfectly. She waked to the living room, which had papers scattered everywhere. This was highly abnormal for the man, as he couldn't stand mess. He sat down on the single chair, and Kat sat on the couch
He motioned, and spoke "what can you gather from these? if you're good, ill have a word with your teacher." he told her, and she picked up a paper
'have we got anything from the coroners? maybe an autopsy report? or any incident reports?" she asked, and Father Raiden slipped over some paper. she picked it up, and noticed the familiarity of the language
"i had a suspicion you'd want to come, so i had the paperwork printed out in both Romanian, for you, and spanish, for me. I know your English still needs work" he smiled, as the girl looked at him
"Well, i can gather the victims were tortured. These types of wounds would be used in brutal torture, that goes similarly with someone like Ted Bundy the Manson family massacre or the hello kitty murder. The person who committed thee would've had to know about the exact whereabouts of the entire family, meaning they were probably stalking them" she explained, and then sighed
'That means we might have a problem. A serial stalker, I'd say. This was too well done for an amateur, not even being noticed" she explained
Father Raiden nodded in agreement "you're a talented analyst, Kat" he explained, as he looked at the clock
"We should head off before its too late. Bring the papers, the police will only have papers in English." He explained, as kat gathered the papers up. She put them in a plastic folder, and quickly followed Father Raiden out, getting in the car. She read over the paperwork again, making mental notes about parts, including some which she would like to question the professionals. She wanted this to be perfect, to get a good impression out on the professionals, and to impress Father Raiden who would tell her criminology teacher. She thought about what she would ask multiple times
Once they got to the scene, they stepped out of the car, walking to the officer, who faced them. She had long, curly brown hair, which draped over her eyes and face. She was relatively short, with a relatively small stature. Her uniform hung loosely to her small frame, clearly being too big for her. Her hat covered her eyes slightly, although not obscuring her vision. She roughly the same age as Kat, give or take a year or two, nothing more.
She stepped in front of the two, although she was no way near physically imposing, being much shorter then kat
"Stop! Who are you?" She ordered before the priest spoke up
"Father Samson Raiden, this is a student of mine, Katie Eldritch" he announced, as the girl grabbed her Walkie-Talkie from her shoulder. She spoke into it, and then a broad shouldered man walked out from the building. He wore the same uniform as the girl, except it fitted him well. He was well built, and was far more intimating then the young girl. He walked next to the young woman and spoke
"Samson, is this the student?" He asked, and Samson nodded
"I'm Katie Eldritch, top student of my criminology class. It's a pleasure to meet you" she introduced, and the young girl lifted up the tape
"I'm Jace Gaire, this is my daughter Mackenzie Gaire" the man called Jace introduced, and the daughter looked up, her crimson eyes meeting the ruby eyes of Kat
She held her hand out "we're the youngest 2 of this case. We should get to know each other. Call me Kenzie, im 13 years old, officer in training"
Kat shook the girls hand "call me Kat im 15 years old, and im a training forensic scientist" Kat replied

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