Chapter Two

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So happy to be making another Sirry fic because I love this and because I have nothing better to do. Writing is my therapy because I am broke. 

Harry felt dread, only dread as he saw King's Cross Station, he would be going back to the Dursley's for another miserable summer with no food and nightmares, and of course I'll be in my room, making no noise and pretending I don't exist. All he wanted was to redo his fourth year and not watch his friend die and not overhear what they really thought of him and their future plans for him. He regretted not taking Draco's hand first year, he regretted arguing with the sorting hat, and he regretted not taking the time turner from Hermione and going back to the night he lost his parents and killing Voldemort before he killed them. "Harry!" Harry saw Remus Lupin calling him over from near Uncle Vernon who looked uncomfortable to be there also there was a big, black dog that ran up to him and licked all over his face. "Padfoot, get off." Harry was laughing and some people awed at the sight of a boy and his dog being reunited. "Boy, get off the floor." Vernon was trying to hold in his anger, Harry knew what was going to happen if he got in that car. "I need to ask Professor Lupin; I mean Remus something." Harry hopped that Remus would understand, Sirius pulled Remus's pant leg toward a small waiting room. "I will answer the question about your homework." Remus took Harry to the room and locked the door and cast a silencing charm and some notice me not charms. "Okay, Pup, why do I smell fear?" Sirius said becoming himself and hugging Harry who just hid his face in the older man's chest. "He is going to beat me. I am not going to eat for a week." Remus knew that Harry couldn't lie to Sirius, and he smelled only truths from the boy. "What!" Sirius was angry and that made Harry flinch and made Sirius whine at making his soulmate scared of him. "Sorry, pup, I am so sorry. Come here." Sirius wrapped his arms around Harry who snuggled closer to him. "Remus, can we take Harry with us?" Sirius turned on his puppy eyes and pleaded with his best friend. "We need to clear this with his magical guardian. Harry, cub, who is your magical guardian, I know that the Dursley's are your guardians, I need to know who your guardian in the wizarding world is." Harry's face told them everything, Harry didn't know what they were talking about, and they had to Gringotts. "Sorry, Mr. Dursley, we need to take Harry with us. He lost a class mate this year and needs to see a mind healer." Remus said to a now panicked Vernon Dursley. "I don't give a damn; he is my nephew and needs to come home with me." With that Vernon was dragged to the waiting room, the spells cast, and Sirius became himself. "Why in Merlin's name are you so eager to take my godson with you?" Sirius used the voice his cousin Bellatrix often used when she was playing the game of interrogation. "S Si Sirius Black! Your Sirius Black! A killer! Insane Murderer!" Vernon was screaming hopping someone would hear him. "He is not insane! He is my godfather!" Harry yelled and pushed Vernon away from his godfather. "You freak!" Vernon tried to hit Harry only for and angry Werewolf and a furious Animagus to growl at him. "You will tell me why you want my godson." Sirius growled, grabbing Vernon by the collar of his shirt, which was difficult due to the number of chins the man had. "I need to teach him to not be a freak." Vernon said and Harry held onto the back of Sirius's shirt and trying to move him from the muggle. "Let him go, Padfoot, he isn't worth your time." Sirius let the man go and turned his attention to his mate. "Come on we need to go." Remus took down the spells and Sirius became Padfoot before they left. Vernon tried to get someone's attention, but no one saw the escaped convict, they saw a boy with his dog, and scruffy looking Uncle Moony. "Come on we will go to Gringotts." Remus first led them to his home. "When did you get this Moony?" Remus blushed and hid his face. "What was that? Couldn't hear you." Sirius teased only for Remus to turn to him. "It was a gift from Fenrir Greyback, it was soon after I told him I had my own pack and gave me this house as a pack house." Remus turned and told them to take a shower and change their clothes. Sirius led Harry to another room and helped him with the trunk. "You need new clothes pup." Sirius loved the blush on Harry's face. "Here wear this." Sirius handed him an old muggle band shirt and one of his leather jackets. "I look like you!" Harry was giggling and then stood up. "My name is Sirius Black; I have better hair than everybody." Harry used his best Sirius voice before he was tackled onto the bed by Sirius who tickled him while Harry begged for mercy. "Release him Padfoot, that's a good boy!" Remus laughed as Sirius looked offended. "We can go to Gringotts in the morning, you should get some sleep." Remus told Sirius where he would be, and that Harry needed to sleep. "Padfoot?" Sirius turned. "Can you maybe stay with me?" Sirius smiled and joined Harry under the covers, Harry snuggled closer to the warmth and comfort of his godfather. Sirius smelled like fire whiskey, muggle cigarettes, leather, and a warm summer day, Harry loved those scents and sighed as Sirius started to run his fingers through Harry's messy hair. "Goodnight, Love." Sirius whispered against Harry's hair before kissing his head and falling asleep to Harry's soft little snores. 

The morning was normal, they all got up got dressed and went to Gringotts. "We are here about Harry Potter's magical guardian." Remus said only for three Goblins to lead them to the head goblin and head of the head of that branch of Gringotts. "Mr. Potter, you finally got our letters?" The head goblin looked irritated. "I haven't gotten any letters sir. My godfathers want to take me away from my muggle Aunt and Uncle." Harry sounded so confused; he had never gotten mail from them. "You live with muggles!" The head goblin roared, and Harry hid in Sirius's side, he was allowed to change because the goblins would never turn him in because he wasn't breaking goblin law. "You were not supposed to live with muggles. If your godfather couldn't raise you then you were to be sent to your godmother Narcissa Malfoy." Sharp-Fang, the Potter family goblin told the frightened boy. "Mrs. Malfoy is my godmother?" "Yes, she and Lord Potter named each other as caretaker of their child if something were to happen. Lady Malfoy is connected to Lord Potter through his Uncle Hart." Sharp-Fang gave Harry an official looking document, Sirius looked it over and saw Hart Black's signature, even though Hart Black became Hart Potter after his marriage to the now deceased and disowned Potter. "So, Harry is related to Narcissa?" Sirius never knew his cousin wasn't Aunt Druella's daughter. "What happened to Aunt Druella's daughter?" "Simple, your aunt miscarried, and her brother's pregnancy would have been dangerous if discovered, so she pretended to be off on retreat during the pregnancy because of complications. Druella Black even kept the name her brother chose, Narcissa Lilac Black." Sharp-Fang had always liked the youngest of the Black family women, she was nice to him and even brought Draco when he was young. "So, if I wasn't supposed to go to Vernon and Petunia Dursley, but the Malfoys, why was I sent to live with my mother's sister?" Harry didn't want to know why he hated his own godmother and godbrother. "Sharp-Fang why were these wills not read?" The goblin looked shocked and ran to read his papers. "They were locked, sir I had no idea these hadn't been read." The goblin was close to tears. "Who locked them?" Remus growled. "Don't take off my head, werewolf, we will sort this all out." Sharp-Fang opened it and saw who had locked it, Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore. "Why did he lock my parent's wills?" "An inheritance potion is also to be taken." A potion was placed in front of Harry who drank it and immediately felt drawn to Sirius, to be in his arms and never leave. "Siri!" Harry crawled closer into his godfather's arms, trying to become one with the older wizard. "We shall look over this, Lord Black, I would advise closing off all of your properties from the world, minus Mr. Lupin, and young werewolf you should go back to your mate. He tried to kill another wizard who dared call you anything less than perfect." Sharp-Fang was a fan of all the Marauders, except for Lily, he had never liked the muggle born witch, she insulted his kind. "Off to bed, Harry you need sleep and I need to close my property that is being used by the Order of the Pheonix." Sirius stood with Harry, koala hugging him, and they traveled to Black Manor, in France. The manor wasn't known by Dumbledore, it was known by Regulas, Bellatrix, and Narcissa, no one took Andromeda here because her core had to be dark, grey, or have an affiliation to the dark or grey cores of her family. "Welcome to the true ancestorial home of the Ancient most Noble House of Black." Sirius kissed Harry's head and then took him to his old room. The room had a view of the gardens, with a pond, and swimming pool, it had dark walls lined with books, Quidditch gear, and of course pictures of him and his friends, and of him and his favorite cousins Bellatrix and Narcissa. Cissy and Bella were his favorites because they were like him, only he wanted to be away from Andromeda, that was the real reason he was relieved to be in Gryffindor, that and he got to be with James, Remus, and Peter. "Goodnight, my precious pup." Sirius whispered as Harry fell into a blissful sleep.

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