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a/n btw friend1 is basically your best friend i js got lazy to chnage it.

normal pov/ your pov

You wake up to the group chat blowing up your phone
you open the text seeing that one of your best friends (insert best friend name) found another girl to add to the friend group

in the gc
friend1 " hey i added the new girl to the gc!"

friend2 " nah really i didnt even notice"

friend3 "dont be rude! we want her to feel welcomed"

friend1 "how about we meet at the park at 4pm today?"
friend2 "sure that sounds fun"
friend2 " is the new girl gonna be there?"
friend1 "well obviously"
you "theres no fucking way im going"
friend1 "cmon the new girl is gonna be there we all need to come and introduce ourselfs!"

you decide to go.

You check what time is it "1:15"
You get up out of bed and walk down stairs to find something to eat
You open the fridge to see nothing but milk, eggs, pickles and expired cheese

"ugh i really need to go grocery shopping" you said grabbing the milk and walking towards the shelf to grab a box of cereal

You poured the cereal then the milk and sat down at the dinning table beginning to eat the cereal

You finish eating the cereal and head back upstairs to get dressed
You throw on a bright blue tank top on it and a black sweatpants

You slip on white crocs
You grabbed your bag and put your notebook, headphones, pencils, gum and charger in it

You leave your room and head down stairs
You grab the house keys and lock the door

You check the time "2:53 pm" you still had some time to spare so you decided to go the gas station near by the park

You get to the gas station and open the door to an awful smell but you ignored it and grabbed f/d and f/c
You decided to grab random candies for you friends

You head up towards the cashier and put your items down
"your total is 6 dollars and 45 cents" the cashier says
You give the cashier 10 dollars "keep the change" you said grabbing your stuff and walking out

You put your snacks in your bag and starting heading towards the park
Half way to the park and you hear someone say
You look up and see your friend1
"Hey!" You said walking to them
"Your here pretty early why so?" They asks
"Ehh js wanted to go to a gas station " you reply
"I'm gonna text the group chat and see we're they are!" they say
You slightly smile and put on your headphones

"So your friend1 said they have to pick up the girl so they might come later and friend2 said there here" they said
"Well let's go look for them!" You say
"Well you are sure excited!" they say following you
"Shut up" you laugh

After 8 minutes of looking for friend2 you and friend1 still can't find them
"Ugh where are they?!" You groan sitting down on a table
"I don't know this park is too big" They sigh laying down on the grass
"Hey guys!!"
You and friend1 look up and see friend2
"Omg where were you?!" friend1 said
"Looking for you? Dumbass!" Friend2 said sitting down by you
"Do you know when (insert friend1 name) is gonna be here?" You ask
"Uhh I don't know let me call them" friend1 said picking up their phone

"What? what do you want I'm parking now
Me and noodle will find y'all" friend1 said
"That's all we needed to know bye"  Friend1 said

"Wait is the new girl name noodle?" Friend 2 asks
"Hm probably unless they picked up food and is considering food as a person" you said
"Honestly kinda a weird name" friend2 replied to you
"Kinda? It's obviously a weird name!" Friend1 said sitting up
There was an awkward silence

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