Chapter One

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Harry had been looking at the ceiling from under his invisibility cloak for the last four hours, the Astronomy tower was empty and the best place for him to clear his head. He was still healing from the tournament and the death of Cedric Diggory, and the rise of Voldemort. "No one is here." Ron whispered and Harry saw his best friends enter followed by Ginny. "I can't believe he survived." Hermoine sounded almost disappointed. "Well, at least now I can have an heir for the Potter fortune before we kill him." Ginny said haughtily before she began to fake cry. "How will I raise our little one alone?" Hermione, Ron, and Ginny laughed and began to talk about how much they hated being Harry's friend. "If I wasn't getting paid, I wouldn't have even bothered with him." Ron said and that hurt Harry, he believed he was a real friend and even saw him as a brother, the brother he never had. "I just want this whole thing to be over, then I can marry rich and have Pureblood children without thinking of dying." Ginny turned to leave as curfew was coming up and they had to go back to Gryffindor Tower. "Well next year Harry won't be getting me stuck in the bloody lake." Ron and Hermione walked out hand in hand with Ginny grumbling about putting potions in Harry's treacle tarts. When they left Harry started sobbing, his only friends and the girl he thought he liked had been paid to be his friends and were using potions on him. "Why didn't I die instead of Cedric?" Harry didn't go back to the dorms, instead he went to the secret room he discovered one night before the second task. "Goodnight Hedwig." Harry always whispered goodnight to his faithful owl before sleeping, it helped to have someone to say goodnight to, since it was the first time, he had someone in his life that cared, even if she bit him sometimes, it was her way saying, 'I love you'. Harry dreamed of Sirius and himself sitting on couch in a cottage, watching a fire and talking about Quidditch and their puppies. Harry was pregnant and laughing with Sirius, noticing the wedding bands on their hands as they rested against his large middle. "I love you Mr. Potter-Black." Sirius whispered before kissing Harry and then he woke up. "What was that?" Harry asked the dark room only for a book to appear. "Dreams: The guide to finding your soulmate." Harry read the title out loud before opening the book. "How to know if you have met your soulmate and are not a creature. You will want to please them and feel happy whenever they are around. If you feel stressed and they enter the room, your magic will connect to theirs and calm you down. Age doesn't matter in the case of soulmates; it is not the body but the soul that is connected. Some parents try to find out the soulmate of their baby and make that person the godparent, only if the other is older than the unborn or newborn baby." Harry was reading a loud when thoughts of his own godfather entered his mind. Sirius Black, the most handsome man Harry had ever seen, he had long black hair, kind pale grey eyes, and his tattoos (I know he didn't have tattoos in the books, but he does in the movies, and these come in later). Harry was drooling at the image his mind gave him of his godfather, his very hot godfather. "You will want them to be close when you are stressed and when they are hurt you feel it. The more dominant one will want to protect the submissive one from all harm but also not wish to lie to them. A soulmate can tell when the other is lying, they will know if the other is hurt. Soulmates will often dream about each other and want to be with other. If they can't feel the pain of the other, it is because of them is behind a love potion. A love potion won't work once you find your soulmate, it will neutralize some of the bond, but not completely destroy it. The bond won't be as strong while one or both are under a love potion, they will still dream of their soulmate, even more if they went through a traumatic event, like the death of a friend or loved one." Harry realized that since the death of Cedric Diggory he had been dreaming of Sirius more and more, and when he was little, he would often dream of a black dog that looked similar to Padfoot, Sirius's dog form. He couldn't be the soulmate of his godfather, right? The book mentioned that some people made the soulmate godparent but did his parents know about this? Sirius didn't deserve someone like Harry, he was too broken, worthless a freak! "Sirius deserves someone better." Harry whispered into the night before closing the book and again dreaming of Sirius. Sirius was holding him and calling him beautiful, smart, worthy of love, amazing, and his perfect little pup. 

Sirius Black was dreaming of his soulmate, his godson Harry. James had done the spell and found out that Harry was Sirius's soulmate and so he talked Lily into making him Harry's godfather. "He's my best friend Lils." James had told the girl who only nodded and felt the baby calm for the first time all day. Sirius would always touch her belly, right where her baby was, and Harry would kick or just move under the hand. "I know you won't hurt my son, but mate if you do anything to hurt him, I will shave you and padfoot bald." James warned him one day while Harry slept in his arms. "I am never hurting my mate, he is a part of my soul, he is my reason for existence." Sirius meant it, a dominant's whole reason for living was to protect their submissive and a creature's whole existence was to love and please their soulmate. "Come on Hare-bare, say Padfoot." Sirius was holding a 6-month-old Harry who was babbling and reaching up to grab his finger. "He can't speak yet, Sirius." Lily told him scowling and tried to take Harry who screamed and screamed until Sirius held him again. Harry had a preference for Sirius, if James and Lily couldn't get Harry to sleep or if he wasn't eating, or he was uncomfortable, they gave him to Sirius who held him or made faces or just sang to calm the boy down. Sirius had a way with Harry that had Lily not only jealous but also had her curious as to why her baby liked Sirius best. "James why does Harry always go to Sirius?" She asked while Sirius was holding Harry on his lap and playing catch the bubbles. "I don't know, Lils, babies have a favorite person, Harry's just happens to be Sirius." James didn't think Lily would understand the soulmate thing, and so he planned to tell her when Harry was starting to show more affection to Sirius. "Okay, James, but if he starts to think about Sirius romantically, we will need to fix it. Homosexuality is a sin." James looked shocked at his wife, she had never said anything about homosexuality while she was friends with Severus who came out to them in 5th year which resulted in them becoming drunk and James kissing him, making him realize he was bi. "Lily, what about Severus?" "What about him?" "Well, he is gay, and you never said anything about it." "That faggot came out and I stopped spending time with him, just like Mary and Dorcus." Lily looked away from James and then went to take a nap taking Harry with her. "What was that about?" Sirius was hurt about Harry being taken away by an annoyed Lily. "She said that if you Harry start to think about each other in a romantic way she would have 'fix it' because being gay is wrong." James held his head, it hurt because he knew Harry would love Sirius and that the two were meant for each other. James didn't have a soulmate, his died of Dragon Pox, before he was born. "She needs to know, but I don't know what she'll do to Harry or you." Sirius hated that the witch held onto her muggle thought process, the wizarding world had no problem with gay people. "You should go help put Harry to sleep. Are you staying over tonight?" Sirius made it a point to stay over a couple time a week to help James and Lily get sleep if Harry woke up or to just clean or talk Quidditch with James. "Yeah, my godson needs me, and my best friend needs me. I am your live in babysitter and I am like a talking mirror. You look amazing James Potter. Is that the most handsome, most amazing, perfect James Potter!" The two laughed all the way upstairs where they helped Lily put Harry down to bed and cleaned up a bit before sleeping themselves. Sirius began to cry remembering the good times with his best friend and his soulmate. Sirius just wished that he had spent more time with Harry while he was growing up. "I love you Harry James Potter soon to be Black." Sirius whispered before turning over and dreaming of a perfect time, with Harry, round with his pups and smiling at him, the world was at peace and they were happy.

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