you're only brave in the moonlight - vmin

Start from the beginning

if there were lines to not cross in the beginning of their friendship, they've been blurred out completely by now. jimin's got no clue how to change track. he's not the best with talking about how he feels, those real true deep-down-oh-god-get-those-emotions-away-from-me feels. but on the other hand, he also doesn't know how to casually imply he wants to sit on taehyung's dick without more or less being like hey kim taehyung i want to sit on your dick.

an impasse, of sorts.

the final thing that sucks: there is a tiny (i.e., huge, gigantic and terrified) part of jimin that almost doesn't want to know what his best friend really thinks of him. it probably has to do with the solid 50% chance that all of taehyung's warmth and light and love for jimin is entirely platonic and not at all gay. and while they've seen each other in a myriad of compromising positions in their three years of being roommates and best friends, jimin would take all of his most embarrassing and horrifying moments combined over the single possibility of rejection. like, that might actually fucking kill him. most days, he doesn't even want to know the truth.

there are reasons, very specific reasons that justify why-in three years of being hopelessly pathetically in love with his best friend-jimin has not said a single word. certainly hasn't made a single move or attempt at a pass.

but when it comes down to it, three years is a long time. a very long time.

so when jimin's dam breaks, it breaks hard.


finals week ends like a fizzled out dud of a firework, quiet and anti-climactic. summer trailing on the heels of their junior year in a trickle of warm balmy weather. there's a lazy evening breeze drifting through the window of the apartment that both he and taehyung share. a breeze that smells like the sea, come all this way to visit smoggy seoul. on any other day jimin would probably perch in the window, do some pilates as the sun sets, breathe in and out and in again and think of home.

tonight, however, he walks with purpose down the hallway away from his bedroom. he's on a mission. this is the moment. about two hours of planning and another three hours of preparation and general hype has gone into this and he's not about to fuck it up.

because it's summer, which marks several long months of dick drought. because it's summer, and apparently the temperature rising above eighty is all it takes for him to snap.

because it's summer, and kim taehyung came home from the library last night and was singing to himself as he scarfed down leftover takeout and asking about jimin's day and jimin thought to himself i am going to climb you like a fucking tree.

jimin is frustrated, desperate, and horny, which is not a good combination to begin with on an average person.

for someone as single minded as him, it's downright deadly.

he eases the door open a crack, peers in. target spotted.

"tae-tae." jimin's knuckles smart when he raps them sharply on the door frame. "can i come in?"

target in question raises his head, shifting one headphone away. he smiles wide. "sure, but i gotta warn you, i'm in the middle of comp mode."

he doesn't turn away from his computer where-jimin holds back a great sigh and eye-roll-taehyung is playing what looks to be overwatch on the computer.

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