"Besides, hearing how well you do with those kids, I can't help but think that you would make a pretty great father, one day," commented Kana, smiling.

"I-I don't know about that," replied Klein, nervously.  "That's a whole different story.  I mean, I'm not against the idea at all but I can't promise I would be any good at it."

"Well, I guess we'll just have to see, huh?"

Klein noticed what time it was from a clock that was on the wall of the cafe him and Kana were eating at. 

"Oh, it's getting pretty late.  I promised everyone I would meet up with them in GGO since it's launch day." 

Kana smiled. 

"You shouldn't keep them waiting then.  Plus, I need to get home as well.  Maybe, next time we can have dinner over at your place?  Has your cooking improved any?"

"Um...I think so.  I mean, I've kind of had to learn how to cook for myself since I live alone."

"In that case, I'll be looking forward to seeing if you've improved or not."

"Hey Kana, you should get a Nerve Gear too, one of these days.  I know you aren't the biggest fan of them but...when we used to play video games with each other when we were still dating...it was pretty fun.  I'm sure the others would love to meet you too."

"I do have a little bit of money saved up.  I'll think about it."

"Right, well I'll give you a call then...to make that happen...er...the dinner, I mean," said Klein as he got up from the table he was sitting at.

"Try not to keep a girl waiting forever," Kana replied, smiling in a way that Klein hadn't seen her do in a long time.




"Hey Klein, what do you think?" Kazuto asked, as Klein was editing his own avatar's appearance.

Klein turned around and saw that for Kazuto's avatar for GGO, he had gone with a black tailcoat, similar to what he wore in SAO but the thing that stood out most to him was his hair. It was the same dark black color it usually was but significantly longer than usual, reaching all of the way past his shoulders.

"Haha, do I look like a snack or what?" he asked, jokingly.

Klein groaned and replied, "More like a trap. Can you stop screwing around and just finish editing your avatar's appearance, already?  The fact that the girls are finished before us tells us just how slow we are.  Plus, if you don't hurry, I'll call Asuna over here and we can get her thoughts on your...snacky...appearance."

Kazuto gulped, nervously, at the thought of Asuna seeing him with his current feminine appearance. 

"Fine, you're no fun," muttered Kazuto under his breath as he changed his avatar's hair to something more in line with what it actually looked like in the real world."

As for Klein's own appearance, his avatar looked very similar to what he looked like in real life and was even able to find a bandana, similar to the one he always wore in SAO. 

"Are you guys done, yet?" asked Agil, who had just finished editing his avatar's appearance as well. 

He wore a green sleeveless muscle shirt that emphasized his avatar's muscles and cargo pants.  He had the same type of combat boots that Klein had chosen for himself.

"As soon as Kazuto is finished pretending to be a girl, we will be," Klein answered. 

"I-I'm finished, damn it!" hollered Kazuto, from behind Klein.

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