"It's alright my child. I will call a new swordsmith to see if he can make a blade strong enough for you."

In one word, Giyu would have described himself as astonished.

A blade strong enough for her?!

What the hell was she? She didn't even seem human.

They seemed relatively close in age, but he knew damn well he wouldn't even come close to beating her in a sword fight, let alone an arm wrestle.

"Well Giyu, are you going to say hi?" Ubuyashiki teased, breaking the boy's thought, making him realize that he was just absentmindedly staring at Y/n while they were talking.

"R-Right. Hello, I'm Giyu Tomioka, the water pillar," he stammered, internally cursing himself for it.

With a simple nod of acknowledgment, Y/n walked away, not another word was said as Giyu watched her disappear behind one of the doors.

Maybe he should have been offended by her lack of interest or response. But that truly just piqued his interest in the girl even more.

Her e/c orbs implanted in his mind from the slim moment they made contact with his.

A small smile unknowingly tugged onto Giyu's lips as he and Ubuyashiki continued.

"An interesting one, isn't she," Ubuyashiki said, Giyu nodded, though to Ubuyashiki he just didn't reply.

Giyu wouldn't ever acknowledge it, but those few brief moments in Y/n's presence were just the beginning of his infatuation.

ਏਓ 。 ゚

"I doubt she'd even remember that...it wasn't like it was important or anything," Giyu groaned as he reminisced on the past, running his hands through his hair.

Minutes had passed by and he wondered if you'd gone by now. Surely you had.

You'd probably gone to Shinobu's, seeing as you spent most of your time there. He highly doubted you'd go anywhere else. You probably didn't even know who's estate belonged to who.

He slightly chuckled at that. All your time growing up here, and you were now just discovering the pillars estates.

Yawning, Giyu stood up. Deciding that he should just force himself to sleep. Seeing it was around three in the morning.

Though he had originally tried to just walk off his insomnia, thinking about that certain person just made him more exhausted.

And so, Giyu set off back the way he came, which happened to pass by where he interacted with you.

Making his way back on the path, he passed the small water garden, hearing the calming ripples of the miniature waterfall and the soft snoring of—


Giyu wiped his head around to look for the source of the sound.

Was he seeing things or was that—"Y/n?" Giyu whispered to himself as he eyed your sleeping figure. Concerned, Giyu rushed over to you. Had you passed out from exhaustion? What were you doing all this time?

Softly shaking your shoulder Giyu whispered your name again in hopes you would wake up. Not much to his surprise, you were out cold.

Sighing, Giyu made his decision. He couldn't leave you out here, who knows who would see you as they passed by, or if it would start to rain again. He didn't want to see you sick staying at Shinobu's estate for days on end. Scoping you up in his arms, he huffed as he made his way to his house.

Usually, he would never consider doing something like this, but it was you. You were his exception.

Walking up to his estate, he entered and made his way to the bedroom. Unlike the other pillars, Giyu's estate was particularly, well, basic.

A small house with only the essential rooms. A bathing room, a bedroom, and a small living room that connected to a small kitchen.

Basic. But Giyu liked it that way.

Sliding the door open with the woman in his arms, he entered and placed her onto his futon that he had abandoned less than an hour ago.

Sighing, Giyu pulled the blanket up to her shoulders and let her continue her sleep peacefully.

Feeling exhausted himself, Giyu slumped against the wall as he let his muscles relax. A small smile formed on his lips as he watched the h/c-haired woman softly snore.

Even asleep, she was still alluring.

Fluttering his eyes closed, Giyu gave into exhaustion and let his mind race to clear his thoughts before resting.

I hope she isn't disturbed by this. 

I guess it is kind of weird for me to just take her to my estate...

Though this opens up opportunities for me to talk to her, and there is no one around. No one would even expect Y/n to be here.

Memories of their conversation earlier flashed on his mind and his face flushed when he remembered how awkward he is.

God, why can't I just talk to her?

I don't even pay any mind to anyone else, but the one person I want to be close with, I just can't.

Remembering what Rengoku told him, he scowled, clenching his jaw.

He saw how you acted around him. How easily the flame pillar could mess with your feelings.

Any more time around Rengoku and you would surely fall for him. How could he blame you though?

Rengoku had everything that he didn't.

Insecurity began to eat at Giyu as he felt his heart ache, but upon looking at you, he felt slightly relieved.

Even though you were missing for a week, you had come back and met with him. And now you rest peacefully in his home.

Was it fate?

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