Chapter 21: Not Always As It Seems

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Ethan's P.O.V

Ben. Emily. Ben. Emily. Those were the only names flowing through my head. Just even the thought of there being affectionate tension between them makes me cringe. I didn't want to admit it, but I was jealous. The way she smiles after seeing him is not the way she smiles with me. After another hour of contemplating my decision, I had to go see Emily at the hospital. I was completely fed up. "Hey Cameron?" I asked my sister on the phone. "Is there any chance you can pick me up and drive me to the hospital?" I asked. "Um, sure Ethan. Is everything okay?" She asked. "That's what am trying to figure out." Soon enough Cameron arrived with the Jeep and I hopped inside. "So Ethan is there anything you wanna tell me before I drive you to the hospital?" Cameron asked with concern. "Um not really." I said. "Are you sure? Have you been getting yourself into trouble or something?" She asked again. "Not that I know of." I said. The rest of the car ride was awkward and silent. I wasn't acting like myself because my brain was overflowing with thoughts. And they weren't thoughts that I liked either. We shortly arrived at the hospital and I tried to act as casual as possible. I feel like if I act like nothing is wrong and stop worrying maybe nothing will actually be wrong, but that's kinda hard to think about when your girlfriend is alone in a room with a guy that could be a criminal. I already knew where Ben's room was so I didn't bother asking any of the secretaries. Before entering his room I took a deep breath. This was the moment when I find out if there is truly something between them. I swung the door open and a sense of confusion took over my body seeing an empty hospital bed. I bolted out of the hospital right away. "Cameron!" I screamed across the parking lot. Of course she was sitting in the car blasting 1D. "CAMERON!" I yelled running over to the car window and knocking on it. "Jesus Ethan what's wrong?" She said turning the volume down. "Ben is gone. So is Emily. Take me to the police station now!" I said tapping the steering wheel. "Ethan there probably just eating food in the cafeteria place thingy." She said trying to calm me down. "No! I know when something is wrong and there is something definitely wrong here! Now start the f**king car!" Cameron probably worried as hell now started the car and drove me to the police station.

Emily's P.O.V

I woke up after crying myself to sleep on the floor again. It seems like that is the only thing I can do. I helpless and alone. The only warmth I have is the dirty clothes Andrew put on my body. "Andrew." The name sent chills down my body. "Get up bitch!" I heard someone yell. Andrew peeked his horrifying face from behind the door and looked at me. I crawled backwards in fear. I have never been so afraid of a person. "You have a visiter." He smirked. Oh god. I have no idea who or what could want to visit me in this death cell. Out through the darkness a man was approaching me. As the light cleared I finally recognized his face. "Ben?" His handsome eyes met mine as he knelt down beside me. "Wh... what are you doing here?" I stuttered with confusion. All of a he smirked. And this was no ordinary smirk. It terrorized me deep into my core. "Oh Emily." He said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "You are just so clueless about this whole entire thing aren't you?" His fingers trailed down my arm and met my knee. "I still don't get it Andrew." He said looking back. "Don't get what?" Andrew said approaching us two. "I don't get how I took a f**king bullet for this bitch!" He yelled slapping me across the face. My cheeked burned and throbbed but I still sat silently. "You see Emily. You brought this upon yourself. I want you to pay for all that you have done to my and my sister!" He screamed grabbing my neck. "Please Ben! I don't know what you're talking about!" I cried. "Oh it would seem that you don't remember her. Well she knows exactly who you are and all your little secrets. Let's bring her out shall we?" All our heads turned toward the door where the clicking of heels could be heard. The sounded haunted me as it got louder and louder. I have no idea what Ben or Andrew were talking about. I ruined his life and his sister's? I thought he was abandoned by his family, but I guess he lied. With his hand still on my neck, Ben clutched it as the door opened slowly. The anticipation grew and grew. My heart pounded and my breathing quickened as a body stepped through the doorway. And then... I saw her.

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