Chapter 17: Stuck

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Ethan's P.O.V

After my conversation with Grayson I immediately rushed home. I had no clue why I was getting so over worked about this. I mean, Emily just said that she went home and I completely understood why. She has been through so much. From the kidnapping to being shot, I don't understand how she is so strong. The walk was quite long from school, but I didn't want to wait for the bus. I finally reached Emily's house and saw the cop still sitting in his car. Mrs. L finished work in about 20 minutes so I Emily and I probably had the house to ourselves. "Hey babe I'm home!" I shouted as I entered. I heard no response. Hm, maybe she's sleeping. I took off my shoes and grabbed a drink from the fridge before going upstairs. I opened Emily's door and saw an empty un made bed. At this point I started to worry.

2 Hours Earlier (4th Period)

Emily's P.O.V

 I was sitting in my final class, science. At this point I was dying to go home. The day was great and all, but I just felt so out of place. Plus, I was getting some annoying cramps. Ugh. "Can I got the washroom?" I asked my teacher. "Yes Emily." He said nicely. After this whole kidnapping thing, my teachers have been super nice and generous to me. They always ask me if I need help or say I don't have to do the work if I'm not up to it. It's a really thoughtful act, but I just wanted my old life back. I entered the girl's washroom. It seemed to be empty and I had a complete break down. I sat on the floor and cried. "Why me? Why did I have to endure all this pain. Why can't I just have my old life back?" I cried into my knees. "Because." I heard someone quietly. I immediately lifted my head with shock. "Who's in here?" I asked sniffling. Looking through the corner of my eye, I saw one of the bathroom stalls open. "What the f**k?!" I yelled. Standing to my right was a person wearing a black ski mask. Suddenly, someone else entered wearing the same mask and blocked the door. "Please don't hurt me!" I screamed. "That's not our job. It's the boss'." One said. "Please I'll do anything you want me to!" "Unlock your phone and give it to me!" I did exactly as they said. "Okay now be quiet!" One said approaching me. They grabbed me by my arms and opened the bathroom door. I thought it was stupid to be carrying me out in the open until I realized I chose the bathroom closet to a set of doors leaving the school. Shit. "If you make even the slightest noise I will cut your tongue out!" One angrily whispered in my ear. Tears were running down my face. I can't go through this again. I just can't. The fear, the pain, the torture; I can't do this anymore! As they pulled me out toward the set of doors I tried my best to squirm away. Kicking and yelping. "Shut the f**k up!" One said quickly cutting  my arm. The blood dripped on their black sweater. "Stop please. I can't go through this again! You don't know what it's like." "Don't worry it will all be over soon." Underneath that mask I knew they were smirking. Smirking at the fact that I was so vulnerable to them. It seemed like no matter how much I fought and tried to get away, I would never be able to. I was stuck in the middle of this mess. Stuck with the pain. Stuck with this life. As this point I completely gave up. "I can't do this anymore." I whispered to myself. I stopped fighting. Stopped yelping. I just wanted my life to be over. 

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