Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - Previous Life

The full-length mirror reflected a slender body. The woman in the mirror has light-colored skin. Her features weren't as pretty as they were when she was young, but it has the attraction of an older woman. Her lips were curved slightly upward, and her temperament was elegant. The clothes on her might look simple, but all the designer's uniqueness was hidden in all the details.

Fang JunRong couldn't help but feel perplexed. Her hand touched her face reflexively, and the woman in the mirror did the same thing. When was the last time she looked at herself that way?

She was dressed elegantly and exhibiting a tenderness of her own. She didn't appear unkempt, disheveled, and looked down by all.

As one of the wealthiest men in the country and having a net worth of over tens of billions, her husband has an extremely prestigious status. Not to mention their outstanding and eminent son and their lively and loving daughter. Fang JunRong was what people referred to as the winner of life; unfortunately, her life took a turn for the worse ever since the appearance of Jiang YaGe, her daughter-in-law.

Jiang YaGe was the daughter of her husband's best friend from college. After her parents died in a car accident, her husband Li WangJin felt bad for her and took her in after considering the fact that her relatives were all plotting against her. Fang JunRong was quite nice to Jiang YaGe at the beginning as well, after all, Fang JunRong was also friends with Jiang YaGe's father. Plus, Jiang YaGe was a pleasant and mature girl. This changed after the conflicts began between Jiang YaGe and Li XinYun, Fang JunRong's daughter.

Let it be her husband, Li WangJin, or her son Li ShiZe, everybody sided with Jiang YaGe. They would always pick Jiang YaGe's side and blame Fang JunRong's XinYun whenever there was a conflict between the two. So how could Fang JunRong continue to be fond of Jiang YaGe given the situation? In the end, her son Li ShiZe further fell in love with Jiang YaGe and butted heads with his mother repeatedly while treating his cold sister coldly.

Jiang YaGe, on the other hand, was a drama queen. It was almost like she was blessed by some unseen power - no matter what happened, she would always be able to avoid anything bad happening to her, and it was always those who were around her who'd end up taking the brunt of it. XinYun, her precious daughter, was one of those people. Because of Jiang YaGe, Li XinYun ended up scarred on her face and became more and more reclusive.

By then, Fang JunRong hated Jiang YaGe's guts and wanted to kick her out. Nevertheless, both her husband and her son unequivocally took Jiang YaGe's side and criticized and loathed Fang JunRong.

"YaGe had suffered a lot too. How could you keep placing the blame on her? It wasn't like she wanted it to happen. You are being so irrational right now. You are no longer that reasonable and loving wife that I have married."

"If my sister didn't go out and befriended all these questionable people, this would have never happened. Once all this is settled, we will just send her overseas to have a plastic surgery and all will be fine again."

Their callous and estranged looks were burned into her memory, giving her a frigid feeling. Her family was wrecked. Fang JunRong wanted to take revenge, but Jiang YaGe was loved and protected by many bosses. Their interference foiled all of her plans, and she was finally sent to the mental institution by her own husband and son.

When she was locked up in the mental institution, everybody called her crazy. That she couldn't appreciate such an amazing daughter-in-law and wanted to hurt her any chance that she got. They thought it was her own fault that all her loved ones had betrayed her. Finally, when she heard that news that her daughter Li XinYun had committed suicide, Fang JunRong tookher last breath surrounded by dark iciness. At the same time, Li ShiZe, her wonderful son, was having a great time with her amazing daughter-in-law on their honeymoon.

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