I haven't lived at all.


If those men were going to double cross her, then she'd do everything in her power to remain one step ahead.

"Ange? Wake up."

She swatted at the air, but the oversized fly caught her hand by the wrist.

He held it too tightly for her to snatch it away, crawling up onto the mattress beside her.

"That's not very nice."

"Go away," She croaked, regretting it instantly. The room was immersed in darkness. Angie had no idea how long she'd been sleeping for. But it was long enough for the pain to take root.

Eros winced, cold hands lifting towards her throat. He patted it gently. Oddly enough, it kind of helped.

"Shh, stop talking. You'll hurt yourself more."


"Trying to sleep. I know. But I don't want you to sleep on this." He laid down beside her, propping his face up on his hand to see her better. In the dark, she could just about see his outline. "I want us to be on the same page," He whispered. "We're supposed to be working as a team. And I've been thinking about this. I don't want you to sleep until you and I have an understanding."

An understanding.

Would he do the same thing to her that he did to the other people he worked with?

Give her what she wanted only so he could take it away?

What do I want?

Angie wanted to live. She wanted normalcy. Was that too much to ask for?

"Okay, first thing's first, I'm sorry Ange."


Had she heard that correctly?

Eros was saying he was sorry.

Well I'll be damned.

But sorry didn't change the bruising across her neck. Sorry wouldn't stop the pain. Sorry didn't make this situation any easier for her.

"Sorry's... not going to cut it."

"I know. And I wish it would, but I know it won't." He dropped a hand to her stomach, just showing her he was present. And damn it, Angie was feeling so alone that the little touch felt nice. "You were trusting me and I let you down. And yeah, I was shocked, but that can't be allowed to happen. I should've acted sooner. It's my fault that you're suffering."

She breathed slowly, trying to make sense of what he was saying.

Trying not to get too overwhelmed.

"Maybe... maybe if another—one of your friends—comes along... I'll lose a leg before you act."

Sure, he was reaching out with an olive branch here—but she was still in a lot of pain.

Sorry didn't change anything.

But it spurred something dormant within Eros.

In an instant, he had his leg flung over Angie's body. Straddling her, he pressed her back into the mattress. She could barely see his face, but she could feel the intensity burning in his eyes.

"That was a one-time thing. I swear to you, it's not going to happen again. I regret letting it happen at all. I'll keep you safe, okay?" He forced her to look at him. There was no way of getting out of this. He wouldn't let her. "I know it's hard to believe considering today, but I promise you this won't happen again."

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