Chapter 1: The Dilemma of a God

Start from the beginning

"I can send whatever items you want with you... what would you like?"

Cale smiled again and the GoD felt chills down his spine.


Alberu was growing more irritated by the second. He glanced at Cage who was still screaming at the sky as she had been for the past half hour. He looked around the room at all the people assembled there, including all the dragons, who were oozing killing intent. Alberu himself was not much better off, being calmed only by the one-sided conversation he could hear from Cage.

He heard Choi Han's sword going in and out of its scabbard. Choi Han was getting impatient. The situation was getting dangerous.

Even though Alberu was Cale's Hyung, he was now also the emperor of Roan. However, he knew that realistically, all the power he had could be attributed to Cale. Most forces, if not all, including the mage brigade, the beast tribe forces, the knights, and the necromancer, followed Cale. They were loyal to Cale, not Alberu. And so, he knew that should Cale be in any danger, or worse, dead, his people would start a revolution. No, it wouldn't even be a revolution, it would be a one-sided slaughter. Cale may not be strong, but with seven dragons, and allies in both the eastern and western continents, he was currently the most powerful man in the world.

In the corner of the room stood Ron with the kittens in his arms. Eruhaben was holding onto Raon to stop him from destroying everything, and Beacrox was sharpening his knives.

Alberu's thoughts wandered and he realized that he didn't know what he would do if something happened to Cale. Initially, he had disliked Cale. Then, he had become grudging allies. And somewhere along the line, Cale had managed to make Alberu love him just like everyone else. Alberu now saw Cale as family, even above his actual blood relations. So, he did not know what he would do. Would he be able to maintain rationality? He sure wasn't doing a very good job at it at the moment.

He was brought out of his dangerously diverging thoughts by a hand on his shoulder, which he looked up to see belonged to his aunt Tasha. Cage's voice came into focus again.

"You bastard! What do you mean by traveling?!"

Alberu took a deep breath and asked Cage a question, "Cage, what is happening?"

This caught the attention of everyone else in the room.

Cage made a disgusted face and answered, "The GoD wants to send young master Cale to another world to help them. He calls it traveling"

Wrong choice of words. Alberu saw the dragon fear starting to leak from the dragons long before he felt it suffocating him, especially Eruhaben, and soon, it was hard to breathe. "What do you mean another world?" one of the dragons growled, though it was hard for Alberu to tell who, when he was wheezing for breath.

Thankfully, it was Raon's turn to reign in the other dragons. "Goldie gramps! Stop! Or else Cage won't be able to talk!" He was flying around the dragons trying to get them to calm down.

It seemed to work because soon enough Alberu could breathe again. Sweat dripped down his face and his hands moved away from his throat. Five dragons going on a rampage and releasing dragon fear was not a fun experience. Alberu filed that useless piece of information in some part of his brain before focusing back on Cage who was breathing heavily.

Cage coughed a few times before continuing, "Young Master Cale has already agreed to do this in exchange for a few things. He said he could tell me only two."

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