Chapter 2: A place to stay

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The Next day)

Origashaku-sama now off to find her a decent place to stay and raise her future subordinate, she couldn't stay in a cave which wasn't home like for her. She wondered where could she go? this new world she is in, is much different than hers... in her Eostia her skies were red while this world has blue skies.. so much she needed to learn about this world and how to function in it.

Currently wearing a Black morning dress while wearing a black sun hat she couldn't stand wearing anything that's light colored especially if it's white. While at the same time she's wearing a purple sash for Naruto to be carried in as the boy was just sleep and safe around Origashaku-sama.

Looking at her reflection in the nearest river she could see Hachishaku-sama's visage, she wondered how long will this merging wear off? or... it could be permanent meaning she will remain to look like this for the rest of her life she wondered what would Chloe say if she were to see her like this.

 it could be permanent meaning she will remain to look like this for the rest of her life she wondered what would Chloe say if she were to see her like this

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Chloe... the half human half dark elf, her loyal and faithful subordinate, Origashaku-sama thought about her servant after her fusing with Hachishaku-sama. Chloe was very loyal to her and was always at her side, She didn't know whether if she could return to her world and convince Chloe to come with her on this new path she has chosen.

Meaning she would have to throw away her status as Dark Elf Queen... meaning she would also have to release the Monsters she has under her control with the use of her dark Magic and let them be free.

What of her people?

She knew her race of dark elves in her world were on the brink of extinction and death.. that they depended on her for survival, Could she really abandon her people to start anew on this new path she's walking? She was sure that her people would be fine without her... maybe she could fake her death and take Chloe with her on this new path.

Meaning her and Chloe would be the only two dark elves in this new world called the elemental nations. She wondered how was she going to rebuild her race here?

With a glance at Baby Naruto who is still sleeping in her sash she knew he was the answer to help her rebuild her race. Maybe she could get Chloe to help... start anew since would be the only two dark elf females here with one boy.

Closing her eyes thinking hard of her decision clenching her fists.. she hasn't forgotten about Celestine Lucross her Enemy and Rival.

She no longer has any interest in fighting Celestine anymore, no more fighting it's time their rivalry ends.

She's made up her mind... as she opened a portal with her dark magic and transported back to eostia to bring Chloe with her along with any of her spell books and other belongings.

( Eostia Dark Castle)

The Dark Castle, its origin rose from the earth, guarded by a magical force field that protects it from outside threats of any kind, the effects of the force field made the sky red Should it be day or night, the air is harder to breathe and earth life slowly dies around the castle.

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