Chap Eleven

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3rd person
A week ago
(A week before going to Forks, 3  after Emmett and Paul went missing, so a week after the last chapter)

Erebus and Orion where patrol around the outside of Antediluvian when they saw Emmett and Paul.

Erebus and Orion covered Paul and Emmett's eyes and made it to where they can not tell where they are and brought them to Rolumus and Jake.

"Alpha, Beta, we found these two poking around" Erebus says, as he and Orion throw Emmett and Paul to the ground in front of their leader and his second.

"Where" Rolumus asks, looking at the two on the ground.

"Near the door" Orion says.

Jake is infuriated with everyone in Forks and didn't want to go there or associate with anyone in Forks.

Rolumus noticed his brother's anger rising.

"Take them to cellar, we'll be there in a bit" Rolumus says to the two, who grabbed the two on the floor and brought them to the cellar, which is like a cell but more of a living room.

"Jake, it's fine, we will bring them back when we go there" Rolumus states.

"But what this endangers them or anyone, everyone else here in Antediluvian" Jake says, almost yelling, almost.

See he's a stubborn ass all. of. the. damn. time. Just ask his mates they'll tell you.

"Yes, but no one from Forks even knows about them being yours, and you theirs. And Antediluvian is more than capable of defending itself" Rolumus tells Jake.

He can see that Jake cares deeply for Antediluvian and most of its residents, mostly his mates and family.

Rolumus is always worried about Vivan and his family.

"Now, let's go talk to them and we can keep them there until we leave for Forks" Rolumus tells Jake.

Jake puts his head down, but nods any way.

Rolumus and Jake go to the cellar.

"Why are you here" Rolumus asks, commandingly as he walks into the cellar.

"We are looking for Jake" Paul says.

"And why are you looking for me" Jake says walking into the room.

"Bella, Selena, and Skylar are worried and not good, that have depression. Hayley won't sleep til she finds you" Emmett tells them.

"I am fine, I have what I never had in Forks, I have my mates and people who don't take me for granted and are using me for personal gain" Jake says, leaning on the door frame.

"Mates" Paul questions.

"Yea" Jake says, getting angrier by the second.

Jake walks out just a little while later, Rolumus following to make sure his brother is okay.

Rolumus helps Jake get to his and his mates' suit.

The only ones there are Nyx, Astrid, and Akasha.

They sense Jake's anger and hurry to comfort him.

This leads to other activities that are less than holy.


I know this ones shorter but I'm tired. I wanted to do an extra chapter for every day I missed this week, but I didn't what to end with Forks.
Hope you enjoyed.

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