Chap Eight

45 3 0

3rd person

Bella and Selina had their children.

Both turned into vampires.

Both still depressed that Jake left.
Serena too.

Both mothers wanting nothing more than for things to be normal.

For Jake to be back

But also not as they found the love of their life, but at what cost.

Sure, the Voultri came but that was over and all was well, for now at least.

The youngest of the Black siblings where okay, but wanted their brother back.

Hayley was also depressed, Jake was her best friend outside of the Mikaelson family, he helped her after Jackson.

The Mikaelson family were looking for Akasha and Astrid, worrying about what might have happened as they have heard of the Trags and how they were, no are worse than the Voultri. Worrying that it was the Trags that took the two girls and not thinking that they left for themselves.

"Wait, didn't they say that they had an odd connection with the Blacks" Kol said sitting up straight in the chair.

"They did, I wonder why though" Elijah said, also sitting up straighter.

Even though the two girls where ignored by most of their family, the family thought that they wanted to be left alone, especially after Nyx and Ligeia left for somewhere else.

It would seem that, that wasn't the case.

"I'm gonna go talk to them" Rebekah said getting up and walking to the door.

Because she for one actually payed attention to them, though she was almost always busy because of Klaus.

Rebekah sped to the Black house.

Upon knocking, the door was opened by Chato.

"What can I do for you, Rebekah" He asked.

"I need to know if you saw Astrid and Akasha today" Rebekah asked.

"No, none of us have" Chato said, looking at his brothers.

"Oh okay, thank you though" Rebekah said, sadly.

"Why" Chato asked.

"They said that they had a connection with your family, so we thought..." Rebekah trailed off.

"That they were here" Chato finished. "They could have been mated to Jake and two vampires from the Cullens left today, Marius Cullen and Charity Denali, they were friends with Jake and they probably went to him and Astrid and Akasha probably heard them and went with."

Rebekah nodded, thanked Chato and sped back to the Mikaelson home.

"They're with Jake" Rebekah said walking into the room that they were all in.

In the forest outside of Forks and just outside the packs' territory, enough they wouldn't sense them but still close, there was a group of four people.

"Your sure" The tallest man asked.

"Yes, it is the only way to draw them out" The shortest female said.

"We shall report back to headquarters" The leader of the group said it was an unpopular opinion given her family status.

"Yes let's go" The fourth said agreeing with his mate.

With no one the wiser if what had just happened between the four unknown people a day what the future was to bring life went on.

No attacks, no sabotaging, nothing, the supernatural of Forks continued to look for Jake and take care of their own, going about with normal daily tasks and life.


For being a little under a day late then two days and now three.
Hope you enjoyed.

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