Matt • Dating

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Dating Matt includes...

- walks
      • you guys are a mix of walking and driving
      • if it's a long travel time, Matt drives you guys to the destination but if it's a short time then you guys just walk instead of wasting gas
      • you guys don't mind walking or driving

- clothes
      • you guys honestly steal each others things
      • you steal his cargo pants and rings
      • he steals your earrings and hats

- cuddling
      • pda is his favourite thing ever, so he's really clingy and loves cuddling you
• he loves either holding you while sleeping or laying on your stomach scrolling on tiktok
• in a lot of the fit check videos, in the background you can perfectly see Matt holding your waist while your waiting for your turn and when it's his turn, half the time he's dragging you with him to the camera

- stories
• he doesn't really post a lot about you
• he feels that not everyone should know about your guys' relationship because they're not in it, so he doesn't have to tell everything
• occasionally you guys post pics of each other on insta though

- love language
• he loves having little private conversations with you and you love it too
• sometimes you guys both take part in planning little getaway trips and plans

- fights
• Matt can be so clingy it can get annoying and sometimes you just need to be alone and he hates it when you leave him alone
• it's not really yelling arguments it's more like "Matt I just want to be alone for like 2 minutes" and he'd say something like "but your so comfy and I love cuddling you" in like a small voice, trying to get you to cave
• you two also get into some very small fights about who's ordering the food, since you both have social anxiety

- hair
• he loves styling your hair for you
• he always makes sure to set a timer to wake up early to do your hair for you
• he also searches some hairstyles on the internet to do for you and you normally sit on a little bench doing you makeup while he does your hair and he loves how excited you get for your new hairstyle for the day

- activities
• you both love to blindfold eachother and bring you guys to a random getaway house for you two to have some fun and appreciate each other, like I said QUALITY TIME
• Nick him and Chris always plan candlelight dinners at home every Friday at like 2 in the morning, he always leaves you a note on the bed saying to get dressed up while Chris is getting the food and table ready and Nick is helping Matt pick a tie, spreading the roses everywhere, and lighting the candles
• Bike rides is your guys' all time favourite thing to do with each other
• Since you guys are basically like kids during the relationship, you two love playing with chalk and always mark your drawings with M + __
• Once again like children, you two love finger painting and occasionally throw paint at each other which doesn't end well

- work
• Since Matt is really clingy, sometimes he comes to your work during random times of the day just to give you a kiss and then leave, and every-time your workers see him they always warn you or get you from the back before he even asks for you
• Everyday after work, he always has a chocolate bar taped on the window of the door for you and a note attached to it
• Before work after he is done doing your hair, he quickly packs a paper baggy of snacks and a lunch and writes a small note for you to get through the day, since you get tired easily

- kisses
• He loves kissing you on your nose, he likes it when you scrunch it up every time he does
• He also loves neck kisses, which you both give. He makes sure to give you one before you guys go to bed and you give him one everytime you come home from work
• you love kissing him on his lips because they're very soft and they taste different everyday since he uses a different chapstick everyday just so you get excited

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