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Timeline: 3 days since Jake's suicide.

My mind was practically desolate. It was like the chaotic, hyperactive part of me magically grew legs and said, "Aight, imma head out". The mortifying image of Jake's death was still fresh on my mind and I couldn't unsee it.

I sat perched on my bed with my MHA blanket wrapped around me. I'd been hugging my knees for the past 3 days straight. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, and I barely moved.  I only glanced at my bedroom door when I heard someone open it.  It was my dad.  He stepped out of the way to reveal Liam standing behind him.
"I figured you needed some support from your friends," My dad explained, "I tried to see if Drew could come as well, but his mother said that he wasn't feeling up for it."
I only nodded in acknowledgement and my dad let Liam into my room.

He sat beside me on my bed and pulled me into a tight hug.  It reminded me of the way he held me in his arms when we saw Jake's body lying on the concrete, absolutely drenched in blood.  I remembered screaming as my very being writhed in absolute agony and anguish, but no words could ever truly describe what I was feeling that day.  It wasn't really agony or anguish, it was something else.  But I just couldn't figure out the right word for it.

"Is that a moldy McD's apple pie?"  Liam asked with mild disgust, I glanced up at him then followed his gaze.  It was as he said, it was indeed a molded McD's apple pie he was staring at.
"I-I haven't eaten in three days...I just...I just can't get the image of...of him...out of my head...!  I just- it just makes me lose my appetite...m-makes me sick to m-my stomach...!"  As I continued to spill, my knees came closer to my chest then dug my palms into my head and tugged at my bangs with my fingers.  I felt the weight next to me on the bed shift, indicating that Liam had gotten up.
I half-expected him to leave me alone, but instead, he said, "Get up."  I looked up at him, he was holding out his hand for me.  "I get that you're a mess after what's happened.  Believe me, I'm pretty fucked up myself, but this is too much.  Here, take my hand and I'll help you."
I looked down at his hand for a few moments before I took it with a reluctant sigh.  As I stood up, I felt and heard a squish from below me.  I looked down and almost puked when I realized that I stepped in the Chicken Alfredo mom made the night before.  I looked back at Liam to see him cringing.
"Yeah, you're getting a self-care makeover.  Starting with getting you cleaned up.  Get your ass in the shower and I'll get you some clean clothes while you're at it."  He said, going to my clothing drawer.

I hesitantly walked to the bathroom that was connected to my bedroom and took a bath.  As I soaked in the hot water, I sighed as I felt the tension in my muscles relax a bit.  I heard Liam step into the bathroom.  I then heard him open the cabinets underneath my sink and he took something out of a plastic bag.  I heard him walk towards the tub from the closed curtain.
He then dropped something into the tub and the water immediately started to smell like a lemon.  "I found some lemon scented bath bombs under your sink."  Oh...I almost forgot I even had those...  I thought, "Thanks...Liam..."  "It's not a problem, mate.  Just looking out for a friend." Liam replied, leaving the bathroom.
When the door shut, I started to cry in frustration. God-fucking-dammit...! I'm being such a burden, that Liam has to step up and care for me like I'm a fucking baby when he shouldn't have to...! I sighed sadly, but managed to wash myself up.

When I was all cleaned up, I felt a lot less distressed than what I was before.  I pushed the curtain back and saw some clean clothes on top of my sink.  I put them on silently and left the restroom to see Liam cleaning my room.  I helped him out the rest of the way and couldn't resist smiling with slight contentment at the finished result.
"Now to get you something to eat.  We'll start off small for now, okay?"  Liam said.  As much as I didn't want to, I knew it would make me feel better, so I nodded and let him lead me into the kitchen.

"We missed you, Henry." My mom said when she saw me, smiling softly. I tilted my head and furrowed a brow in confusion. "I mean, you were cooped up in your room forever, I barely got to see you unless I was giving you dinner." She clarified, cupping my cheek when she came close enough.
"Sorry I worried you these past few days..." I apologized, frowning at the thought of making her anxious over me. Look what you did, you stupid moron!  How many times do you have to fuck everything up and be a burden to everyone around you before you finally do something right?!  I lectured myself internally.
"It's alright, son, we understand that you're in a really dark place after what you experienced." My dad reassured, "Sure, your mom and I have had friends go out like that, but we never saw it up close. We only ever heard of it when word would get around."
"Hearing about something like that is one thing, but seeing it...? Christ, I could never imagine what that must be like...May whatever afterlife's in store show him mercy." My mom added, placing a hand over her chest as she looked up.
For the sake of whatever deity exists- if there even is one- can we not talk about this right now?!  I thought, images that made my chest tighten and my guts churn forced their way into my head which effectively ruined my mood all over again.

"Is there anything you want for lunch?"  She suddenly asked, an apologetic look in her eyes.  I guess she noticed how insensitive she was being.  I knew I shouldn't hold that against her since I don't think she realized her insensitivity, but with my emotions being all over the place, I just couldn't help myself.
"I-I don't-"
"A granola bar or, at least, something small would suffice for now.  Some water with that, as well."  Liam interrupted me, his expression leaving me no room to protest.
"Alright then," Mom replied, reaching into the pantry to get the desired items.  She handed each of us a chocolate chip granola bar and a bottle of water.
I ate slowly, as I didn't really feel that hungry, but I knew that my body was starving.
"You don't have to eat all of it for now," Liam said after awhile of glancing at me, "We just want you to start taking care of yourself again."
After that bit of reassurance, I set my bar down and took a few swigs of water.  I hadn't realized how dehydrated I actually was until my throat yearned for more.
"There we go, now doesn't that feel better?"  Liam lightly teased with a friendly side smirk.
"Yeah...thanks, Liam.  I really appreciate it."  I said with a soft smile.  "Don't mention it, man.  It's what friends are for."  Liam replied, placing his hand on my shoulder.  I felt my smile get wider.

We spent the rest of the day together, and he even stayed the night.  We were cuddled together on my bed.  "We're oddly close, don'cha think?"  I joked.
"Oh, for the love of- don't make this weird."  Liam deadpanned, we both giggled.
"Again, thanks for this.  I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't came over."  I thanked him again.
"Again, don't mention it.  I'm your best friend, and I've always got your back.  Now go to sleep before I knock you out."
"Alright, alright I will!"  I laughed as we closed our eyes for the night.

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