Andy in the hospital

Start from the beginning

"Listen, I hate to do this while you're in the hospital..." Blasko trailed off, shifting in his seat, and pulling an iPad out of his bag. "But tour is in less than two weeks and rehearsals are in a few days.."

"...and?" Andy said slowly, a question mark evident in his voice as he looked at the man that had basically took on the role of his older brother since he was eighteen.

"We don't have time for auditions and we don't have a guitarist so you're just going to have to pick one blind... today." Blasko explained.

"Fucking damnit." Andy sighed, running a hand over his face. How the hell has he not done that yet? Between the comic, the tour, the album, Paradise City, the book, his clothing line, and the band situation, he has been run ragged, no wonder his appendix decided to call it quits.

He took the iPad from the older man and began scrolling through the videos already pulled up for him to watch.

He skipped the first one within ten seconds. The guy's vibe was all wrong, his aesthetic more akin to an indie band than Andy Black.

The next one was a young woman with fiery red hair, banging her head far too aggressively to be authentic as she played We Don't Have to Dance. A big no from Andy.

It wasn't that he was a stickler for how his hired guns dressed or if they liked his music or not, he just knew who would be a good fit and who wouldn't pretty quickly.

'Bet you wish you could do that when you were eighteen, huh.' His mind sneered, but he ignored it.

He went through a few more videos, and while most of them were good players, none of them stood out to Andy.

"I don't know, man. None of them are-." Andy cut himself off when the last video began to play.

The first thing that popped out to him was the hair. The guy had a mass of wild black curls on top of his head in a mullet/mohawk style that he thought was cool as hell.

The next thing was that he could fucking shred.

"What's his name?" Andy asked his agent, watching as the guitarist focused on his fretboard, but not intensely, seemingly lost in the music as he occasionally nodded along to the song, a smile playing at his pierced lip.

"Lonny Eagleton, he's from Vancouver, Beaux actually recommended him." Blasko replied.

Andy nodded. "Okay, him then, he's got a cool look and he plays really well." He said confidently as he handed the iPad back.

"Yeah?" Blasko asked, shocked that Andy- I-need-seven-months-pick-out-shoes- Biersack made a decision that quickly.

"If Beauxy likes him than I'll definitely get along with him, besides, it's not like I have time to overthink until I drive myself and you crazy." Andy shrugged with a laugh.

Blasko chuckled at this. "Yeah okay, that's true. I'll get in touch with him, you get some rest, kid." He said, and with that, he left the room.

Andy layed back, and of course his brain immediately started picking apart his choice immediately.

'What if we don't click?'

'What if he actually can't play?'

What if he's an asshole?'

What if

What if

What if


Andy shook his head, and grabbed the remote to turn on the television in his room to distract himself.

This isn't like the band, he's not an eighteen year old signing away half the rights of the most important thing in his life to someone he thought he could trust. This was a hired gun that he could fire at any time.

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