paragraph one <3

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<remember that this is not in order it is not the actual first paragraph in this book, I love you all <3>

"It was shit show!" he shouts, "the lord was going on about this crazy rant the whole time, something about how someone's trying to kill him" he shakes his head before sighing "no one believes though, I don't either" he seems to get lost in thought, "what...what if someone is trying to murder him?" I ask, he's surprised by my question, it takes him a moment to answer. "Well, if there were someone trying to murder him, then we would set up a rotation of guards to stake his home and the areas around it" I push myself closer into his side. he pulls his arm from the top of the couch to play with my hair "everything is fine daydream, he's just paranoid, there's nothing to worry about" he assures me, but it does little to calm my worries. Minutes pass before either of us say anything. "Daydream?" he says to get my attention. "Yes?" I respond, "have you preened your wings yet?" oh, I forgot about that. "No, I've had them away since we got here" he sighs, "you know that's not good for them" I groan I back away from my spot next to him, "are you offering to do them max? or was there another reason you brought those things up?" I snarl at him; he stares at me blankly for a second before beckoning me to come back over.

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