Push ups

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Maverick held up the f-18 book in hand. "I assume you know this book inside and out." Everyone agreed saying things like "hell yeah" and "damn straight". Maverick threw the book in the trash leaving everyone confused. "So does your enemy. My job is to show you your limits so they don't know what their expecting. Rooster, payback, and fanboy your up first. Ace, Omaha, and fritz your on deck.
Ace was in her f-18 waiting on the go ahead to take off. She was playing with her brothers dog tags that hung around her neck. She got the go ahead and took off on the tarmac. When she was up in the air she heard a familiar voice. "Good morning aviators todays exercise is is dogfighting. Guns only, no missiles, and no one go below the hard deck of 5000ft. Since you guys were second up the first group decided to make a little bet. First to get killed has to do 200 push ups. You all ok with that?" The thought of having to do 200 push ups made Ace want to die.

"I guess" Omaha said. "Which dumb ass bet this sir?" Ace asked with a hint of annoyance in her voice. "That would be payback."  "Alright let's go" Ace said to the rest of her team. "Let's turn and burn" maverick said.

"Fritz keep near and Omaha keep an eye on the radar so he can't sneak up."  "So far we're in the clear." "Hold up bogey coming round from the south. Break left." Ace turned left quickly "Fritz stay on me." Maverick flew past. "Alright Omaha what's the radar saying?" Bogey coming from the north, break right." "Breaking right" she broke right and maverick was on her tail. "Little help fritz" fritz came in from the left attempting to cut maverick but it work. Ace did and inverted dive and went in a circle attempting to get on top of maverick. Maverick anticipated it and didn't let her get around but instead just followed her. "Fritz I need some help." "I'm coming as fast I can." But before he could get there maverick got her. "Damn it" "Go back to tarmac for your push-ups"
"197, 198, 199, 200. Alright your done ace go ahead." Ace groaned and fell on her knees she felt like her whole body was going to give out but at least she was done for the day. Phoenix passed by pissed off. "What happened to you guys?" "Hangman left us and got us killed." Guess that's why they call him hangman. "Geez that sucks." "Yeah it really does. I don't know what you see in him." And with that they left. Ace figured she could use a shower so she started walking back to the dorm where she met with hangman. He had his big stupid grin on again. "Hey ace I would like to know if you would like to go to dinner tonight." "Only if you don't leave me hanging." "Ok great I'll come to your room at 7:30." "Sounds good" and ace started walking away. Once she was a few feet away so he couldn't see her she jumped and started squealing then calmed herself to take her shower.

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