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As we arrive at the Statue of Liberty, I mess up the landing and tumble on the ground, landing on my stomach. First my Peter laughs, then the kid, then the older one.

"Haha, very funny." I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes and sitting up.

Then, my Peter holds out his hand and I take it, but I don't get up. I pull him down with me full force and he yelps in a high-pitched tone, making me cackle.

"Okay it's not that funny, Y/N." Peter sighs.

"You screamed like my little sister!" I snigger.

"It was pretty funny, man."

"Yeah, it was funny." The two Peter's say.

I finally stop laughing and kid Peter gets out his phone.

"Woah what are you doing?" I ask him frantically. "Now is not the time to be texting your friends or family! Were you dropped on your head as a baby or something?"

They all look at me, lips in a tight line.

"What?" I ask, looking at them.

Then it clicks.

"Oh shit, my bad." I apologize, looking away in embarrassment.

My Peter walks over to me, puts his hands on my shoulder and guides me over to the edge of the platform. "I think you need to sit down and isolate yourself for a minute, my love." He sighs.

"What? But I didn't-"

"You're in time out, shush" He points at me. I sigh and sit on the edge, and mock him in a high pitched voice,

"You're in time out meh meh meh. I'll put you in time out, fuckin-"

"I can still hear you, I'm right here."

"Well, that's your fault for not walking away, isn't it?"

"Shut it." He says, walking away. I roll my eyes, but comply.

Suddenly, the kid Peter starts talking. I can't make out what he says until I hear someone else on the phone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Bugle tipline has just received a call from none other than the fugitive known as Spider-Man! Fresh from his rampage in Queens. So Peter Parker. What pernicious propaganda are you peddling?" 'Wait is that-'

"Just the truth." Peter tells him.

"Oh, sure."

"The truth is.. that this is all my fault." He confesses. The older man hums, seemingly pleased with Peter's words. "I accidentally brought those dangerous people here."

"Well, he admits it!"

"And if those people are watching...just know that I really did try to help you. I mean, I could have killed you—" Peter holds up the 'magic box'.

"—at any given moment, but I didn't. Because my Aunt May taught me that everyone deserves a second chance. And that's why I'm here." Peter says.

"And where is "here" exactly?" The man asks. Peter puts the phone out further, showing the background.

"A place that represents second chances."

"The Statue of Liberty!? Good God, folks, he's about to destroy another national landmark!" Jameson accuses.

"But world, if you're watching,"

"Believe me, the world is watching."

"Wish me luck. Your friendly
neighborhood Spider-Man could really use some." Peter finishes, hanging up and putting his phone away.

There's a Gay Spider-Man?| A Peter Parker (A.G) x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now