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We go down to the lab and the kid starts pouring out.. pieces of what once was the cures from a bag.

"Okay, so uh, Connors, Marko, Dillon, and, um.." He trails off at Green Goblin's broken cure. "Uh, look, I think I can repair the devices for Dillon and Marko, but the others.."

"Well I've got Connors. I've cured him once already, so it's no big deal." My Peter boasts. They all look at him, confused, while I just roll my eyes. "What? I said it's no big deal."

"Uh, great."

"Yeah, great." The two other Peters say.

"You guys do know we're in a school and we're trespassing, right?" I inquire.

"It's fine, don't be so afraid." My Peter tells me.

"Peter, I am going to punch you in the face. I am the definition of fear. I am always afraid."

I glare at him as he laughs. My Peter looks away with a grin and starts working.

"So do I just sit here? What am I supposed to do here?" I ask. I walk over to a chair and sit on it. "Because I seriously feel useless. I mean I'm the only one doing absolutely nothing."

Peter walks over to me. "You are not pathetic. Trust me." He tries to assure me. "You have to say that because I'm-" I stop, looking around before my eyes settle on the floor. "You know.."

"That has nothing to do with how amazing you are." He counters, and walks away before I could even begin to disagree.

Apparently, Ned heard me because next thing I know, he's talking to us.

"There's a gay Spider-Man? I mean I knew Peter—our Peter—was trans but.. damn." "

"Wait, so Y/N isn't Spider-Man?" The kid asks.

"Very much not Spider-Man, Peter. I'm Paint Spinner, the.. 'sidekick' I guess." I tell him.

"Wait, your Peter is trans?" My Peter asks.

He looks at Ned, then looks at the kid Peter, then me. I shrug at him, the other two nod.

"How did they not notice?" He asks "Oh, no they did. They did. But Peter's open about it, so.." Ned explains to us.

"And they're okay with it?" I ask.

"I mean not at first, but they've grown to accept it. Of course, that was until his identity was released. But that's a different problem entirely."

I look over at Peter with a hopeful look. He looks at me with a knowing look, slightly shaking his head, a scolding look on his face.

I sigh, slouching in my seat, defeated.

"You okay?" I hear the Old Peter speak beside me. I just nod, still looking down. "Give it time, he'll get there."

"He's been 'getting there' since junior year." I chuckle.

He ruffles up my hair and walks over to finish his cure. I go to fix my hair, rolling my eyes. I look up to see my Peter staring at me. I quickly look away. He dramatically sighs, walking over to me.

"Yes, creepy crawler?" I look at him.

"Don't call me that. You know I hate creepy crawlers." He rests his forehead on mine.

"Yeah, well, somehow I started dating one so suck it up."

Peter fakes a hurt look as I smile at him. "I am no such thing as a creepy crawler."

"Spiders are creepy and crawly, so."

"You're a spider too, just a different name" He argues.

"Yeah, whatever, go finish up Dr. Connors' cure." I dismiss him. "Yo, Peter making the cure for the goblin guy, you gonna do this as a cool youth pastor, or do you have your suit?"

He slightly pulls down the collar of his shirt, revealing his suit. "Clever." I nod at him.

"Here's your web cartridges" Ned gives his Peter the web fluid.

"What's that for?" Old Peter asks.

"Uh, it's for my web fluid for my web shooters, why?"

I stand up, confused by old Peter's question. Suddenly, old Peter shoots his webs, without a web shooter.

"Okay, what in the ever loving fu-"

"Watch it, N/N." My Peter looks over at me.

"That came out of you." Ned tells old Peter.

"Yeah. You can't do that, huh?"

"Wh- No!" Kid Peter says, almost disgusted by what he'd witnessed.

"How on earth does that even.." My Peter asks quietly, looking at old Peter's wrist for the source.

"We're getting sidetracked. This is where we're gonna do this, okay? It's isolated so no one should get hurt." The kid explains.

"Yeah except for us." I scoff under my breath.

"We draw them in with the box. It's the thing they all want. All we have to do is figure out how we're gonna get there."

"Oh, we can portal there!" Ned tells him.


"Yeah dude, I'm magic now."

"Yeah, he's right, he can." MJ says.

"Yeah, we saw."

"Yeah, he is." Old Peter and my Peter confirm.

"He really is." I join in.

"Wait, really?" The kid asks Ned.

"Yeah, dude, I've got Doctor Strange magic." Ned says.

"No way!"

"Yeah! And I promise I won't turn into a supervillain and try to kill you." Ned tells him. I grab his shoulder and send a nod, to say 'great job'.

"Okay.. thank you?"

Ned smiles at him.

"Alright, here goes nothing. What's that thing you always say? Expect disap-"

"Disappointment and never be disappointed? That's my thing." I interrupt.

"No, no no, we're gonna kick some ass." MJ corrects.

"Oh what you can say that but whenever I try to say fu-" My Peter snaps his fingers at me. "See? He cuts me off!"

"Cure. We're gonna cure some ass." Old Peter interjects.

"Cure that ass." Ned says.

Finally got y'all that update 🤭🤭

There's a Gay Spider-Man?| A Peter Parker (A.G) x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now