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i wrote these first couple of chapters over a year ago, read or not, if you skip them i promise my writing and story lines get better

harry had somehow managed to sneak through the malfoy manor unaccounted for under his father's invisibility cloak.

he knew the malfoy where up to something, turns out he was correct. not only where his suspicions of them being follows of the dark lord confirmed but they where housing him as well.

harry had enough information to intimate the malfoys possibly even prosecute them, but before he left, his curiosity to draco's involvement was too large to stop him.

based on the house elves mini conversations, harry had managed to find draco's room. so here he is currently. waiting. in draco's empty room for him to return, so he can....spy? maybe.

"yes mother."

"and draco." the door opens revealing narcissa and draco. "we have a lot of people here. a lot of...not good people. let me know if...if any act out of line. because they will."

"yes mother"

"dragon. my love. you do not need to be so formal with me, when it is only me. i'm sorry this is happening to you. if....if there was a way for me to help you escape, i would do it for you. i want you to know that."

"yes. m-mom"

narcissa smiled and gave draco a hug. "i have to go and greet some of our...guests. i suggest you stay in here. do not wonder without me or your father. our home is no longer as safe as it once was."

draco nods. narcissa smiles at him, giving him one last hug before walking out and closing the door.

harry is now in a bit of a predicament. draco doesn't really have part in any of this action. well, not consensually. so does draco only act like a total git to impress his father? lucius is more of an asshole than harry accounted for.

draco sighs, walking over to his shelves. "hopefully nothing goes wrong. this may be the last time i'm able to do this for a while." he was talking to his pet ferret. which is ironic.

"you know harry wasn't far off, i oddly enjoy you." again talking to his ferret. 'but where did i come in to this? it was moody who turned him.' harry was puzzled and continue to follow draco through out his room and eventually through out the manor. alone. just as narcissa had told him not to.

draco packed a backpack full of food and water. which was odd. was he going to run away? he then snuck through his own home. hiding from everything from wizards to house elves.

he finally made it to a strange door that only lead to a long flight of stairs down. it spiraled down forever, but being a wizard has its perks.

draco made it to the bottom, harry close on his trail still unnoticed.

"luna!" draco whisper yelled

"draco! there are more here, i've sensed it, you shouldn't be here"

"i know! this will be the last time for a while but i've brought a lot so hopefully it will be okay!"

"bless you blonde boy of a demon man." luna's father bowed

"just use it wisely, okay?"

"of course. stay safe draco. okay?"

he nods with a smile.

harry didn't know what to thing. draco. draco MALFOY, is helping his prisoners? was....was draco not all he sot out to be?

"master draco! what are you doing here?!?"

harry would recognize that voice anywhere. dobby.

"i'm just leaving dobby! don't worry, i just had to get them some food for a few days"

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