The second ruler!!!???

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The banging continues until Shadow opens the door "What's all the commoti-" he gets cut off by another naga rushing inside. "Mephiles what do you want" (did I spell his name right) Shadow said a bit annoyed since he had woken him up. "Brother the other nagas are going crazy" Mephiles said while hiding behind the couch. "Why are they going crazy" Shadow asked, tilting his head in confusion. "Well the other kingdoms are attacking each other because of territorial situations" Mephiles said while coiling around himself. Shadow sighed "I'll go and talk with them in a second, I'll be right back". Shadow slithered back into his bedroom where Sonic was making an obstacle course out of the giant furniture in the bedroom. Sonic didn't notice Shadow had came into the room so he kept doing what he was doing. Shadow however lowered himself onto the bed causing Sonic to run into him but since he's a lot bigger than him it didn't hurt. "Ow. Shadow..." Sonic said while rubbing his head. "Yes my little Sonikku?" "YOU'RE LIKE A BRICK WALL" Sonic yelled as Shadow chuckled at his response. Shadow picked Sonic up with his tail and gently dropped him on his stomach. Sonic used his stomach as a trampoline or just something to bounce on as he bounced Shadow purred in delight and pleasure. "Sonic I've got to be somewhere so I need you to stay in the bedroom and you can introduce yourself to my brother, Mephiles while I'm gone". (Seriously am I spelling this dude's name right) Sonic looked a little disappointed "Oh well... that's fine" Shadow noticed the disappointment and gently pet Sonic's quills with the tip of his tail and tickled underneath his chin. "How about this... when I get back we can spend the rest of the day together, sound good?" Sonic automatically perked up and said "Sounds good". Shadow gave Sonic a peck on the forehead and slithered back into the living room. "Mephiles I have a mobian that I'm taking care of and I want you to keep him company while I'm gone" Shadow said as Mephiles came out of his hiding spot. "Ok he'll be safe with me" Mephiles said as he slithered into the bedroom while Shadow went to calm down the Naga Kingdom. As soon as Sonic heard the door open he turned around and no one was there but when he looked at the bed he saw a greenish blue look alike of Shadow. "Hello there little one I'm sorry if I scared you" Mephiles said as he picked Sonic up with his tail and put him on the bed. "Are you Mephiles by any chance" Sonic asked while shivering. "Yes I am...but who are you little one" Mephiles asked while gently petting Sonic's head. "M-My n-n-name is Sonic the hedgehog" Sonic said shakily. "Well it's nice to meet you Sonic I'm Shadow's brother and the SECOND RULER. Sonic looked at him with confusion and Mephiles noticed. "I see that Shadow hasn't told you that he's the ruler of all naga kingdoms, making him the first and main ruler" Mephiles said as he tickles under Sonic's chin, treating him like a mini pet. "What makes you the second ruler" Sonic asked as he started to calm down by the naga's touches. "I am only the ruler of this kingdom, Chaos Kingdom, since Shadow rules this kingdom too and I am his brother... I'm a secondary ruler" Mephiles said as he pulled Sonic a little closer. "Oh I see" Sonic said as he gets comfy in Mephiles' coils. Sonic and Mephiles had fun talking and playing together for hours and then Shadow burst through the door looking exhausted and tired. Shadow moved Sonic from the bed and put him gently but yet aggressively in his brother's hand, shoved Mephiles off of his bed, and dived onto the bed headfirst. Sonic jumped back onto the bed and touched Shadow's arm. (Did I mention that he has a muscular body) Shadow hissed and turned to face Sonic quickly with his eyes glowing and the edges of his pupils had glowing fire outside of the pupils. (I'm sorry if you can't understand my description) Sonic yelped in fear and ran to Mephiles,hiding behind his tail. Shadow's eyes then go back to normal as he sighs and slithers towards Sonic to pick him up. Sonic tries to blend in with the second ruler's tail but gets grabbed by Shadow's tail anyway. Shadow brings Sonic to his eye level and Sonic shook with fear not being able to guess what the Naga King might do. Shadow nuzzles Sonic and gets in bed again with Sonic wrapped loosely in his coils and laying right beside him. Mephiles just watched what had happened and stood there confused because his brother would normally eat mobians who disturb him... UNLESS!

Hope you all are enjoying the story I'm glad that you like it so much and I'm sorry for taking so long. (Curse you writers block!!!) I've been reading more Sonadow stories to get more inspiration so please be patient.

I'll see you all next time on Sonadow: Naga Abuse

Word count:867

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