Imagines (30)

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She smirked at me, the twinkle in her brown eyes evident even in the total darkness.

"Hush" She whispered, pressing a finger against my lips. Her touch was like that of a cheery blossom- feathery and porcelain, that left you wanting more and more.

I could only nod in response as she pulled away, hovering above me. Her hands on either side of my head locked me in between her body and the mattress, her nose millimetres from my own. The only sound in the silent night was that of our breathless pants.

"I'm going to kiss you now"

I nodded furtively, my eyes pleading with her to increase her pace. But she simply returned a knowing smile, her lips brushing the tip of my nose.

My toes curled. God, what was she doing to me? My heart hammered wildly in my chest, pieces of hair sticking haphazardly over my sweaty forehead as she moved her face. I felt her hot breath caressing my cheeks as her lips pressed against my cheekbone.

"My gosh- Dua!" I ground out breathlessly, fidgeting against her hold as she laughed melodiously. Her lips returned to my face, this time kissing the corner of my chin.

"You're my sweetest pie" She reminded me with a smile, her fingers slipping around my waist, as her kisses moved to my jawline. "And mine only."

Smirking, I looked her dead in the eye, gesturing for her to bend. She complied, and I lifted my head, bringing my lips to whisper in her ear, feeling her shudder as they brushed against her earlobe. I sucked in a breath.

"Don't objectify me"

She was shocked. Taking advantage of her momentary distraction, I flipped us over, effectively trapping her under me. She gasped slightly as her hair spread itself over the pillow.

"And also, don't tease me Dua. I really don't like that"

And then she crashed her lips on mine. Shock overwhelmed me for a moment, before I finally pulled back into reality and responded just as enthusiastically. Our legs tangled together under the sheets.

I was entirely taken- her arms wrapped around me, her lips on mine, our noses smushed against each other-

"YN, get up!"

I gasped loudly, shooting up, sweat running down my face. Looking around I saw Dua leaning before me, worry in her eyes.

"Dua!" I ground out, a dark blush climbing my cheeks as I recalled what now seemed like a vague memory, and my heart sank a little. It was all just a dream?

"YN, for heavens sake" Dua sighed. "You look like you were having a nightmare."

"Nothing major" I managed to say, reaching for water. "Just a- really good dream. A little too good to be true."

As I emptied my glass of water I noticed Dua looking at me with a strange glint in her eyes. I arched an eyebrow.

"What's up with you?" I curiously asked her.

She smirked satisfactorily, leaning forward and making me blush all over again.


"So you think kissing me is too good to be true, eh?"

My heart stopped, blood running cold suddenly. She knew? How did she know?


"Oh, it wasn't a dream, darling. It wasn't a dream at all."

And as her lips collided with mine again, I knew she wasn't lying.

It was more than an 'innocent' dream after all.


AN: Hey guys! I'm gon try updating more often now cuz we're now on break from school lol. And guess wut? I'm now 20 😩😢 so watch out childrennnn 🤣🤣

Y'all know the drill, vote if u like ✌🏽♡

Andddddd also, if u listen to Marina and the Diamonds can u please be my friend? 😩🙏🏽 (I love her music so much) 😭

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