11. The unexpected murder

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I slap myself to wake up. Soon after, I finish making the tea. "Here you go Mr. Takahashi. Be careful though, It's still hot." He nods. I check the time |Fuck- Tsukasas thing is starting soon.| "Uh I have to go somewhere, just stay here and rest." Mr. Takahashi nods and I walk outside and lock the door. |To Phoenix Wonderland..I hope Mr. Takahashi will be alright...| I begin to run to Phoenix Wonderland when it starts raining. |Why does it keep raining?-| I finally get to Phoenix Wonderland and head to Tsukasa's stage when a bunch of reporters run towards me. "Look it's M/n L/n's Daughter!" I groan running towards Tsukasa's stage. When he notices me he heads towards me. With the reporters still chasing me I grab Tsukasa's arm and run behind the stage. "Y/n? What's going on?" I take a deep breath. "You see, I'm getting chased by reporters right now because my mother, M/n L/n was a famous artist and with you heading towards me it was either bring you along or let the reporters surround you and ask you a million questions." Tsukasa's eyes widen. "Wait, you would rather take me with you then let me get surrounded by reporters?" I nod. "That's what friends do isn't it?" He sighs. "I guess so, I just wouldn't expect it from you of all people." I glare at him. "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!" Tsukasa laughs. "Nothing." I huff. "Whatever. Anyways, good luck with your show! Or, 'break a leg' as people say." Tsukasa laughs again and steps onstage. I walk back to the front of the stage, noticing that their still rehearsing I take a deep breath. |Thank god I wasn't too late|I turn around to look for a seat when someone jumps onto me. |Goddamnit...| "Y/n!! It's been so long! Why'd you transfer schools?" I sigh. "Hello, Otori. It's only been a week calm down. And I transferred schools because I wanted to." Emu huffs. "You never tell me anything!" I roll my eyes. "Whatever, and shouldn't you be rehearsing with the others?" I stare at Emu as she gets off of me. "Actually, we just finished rehearsal." I look up at the stage and see the other three chatting. "Hey, what time is the show gonna start at?" Rui turns to me. "It starts in 15 minutes." I grin. "Thanks Kamishiro." He nods and turns back to the others. "Well, I'm gonna go get some shaved ice before the show starts." I run over to the shaved ice place and buy some. Then about 10 minutes later I head back to the stage. They we're preparing for the show. I found my seat and waited for the show to start. -After the show cause I'm running out of ideas- "That was great guys, especially that song at the end. What's it called?" Tsukasa smiles. "Thanks Y/n, and the song is called Tondemo-Wonderz." I grin. "Thanks, anyways I have to head home, I'll see you at school Tenma." Tsukasa nods and I begin to walk away. |I feel like I'm forgetting something...| And little did I know, I was. I had taken my hoodie off when it stopped raining during the show and I put it on my chair. When I finally get home, I open the door to see a complete mess and blood everywhere. I run over to Mr. Takahashi who seemed to be...dead. He had I knife sticking out of his chest, right where his heart was, and he had scars everywhere. There was even a sentence written in blood on the wall. It said "You're Next" Making me panic and scream. I instantly call 911. "911 what's your emergency?" My heart was racing and I was heavily breathing. "Miss, are you alright?" I gulp. "M-my teacher...he was murdered. And someone wrote on the wall 'You're next' please...help me..." I start to sweat, unknowing of what to do. "Ma'am I'm going to need you to calm down, I'll send the police over immediately." I begin to slowly calm down. "Thank you." I finally calm down. "Look, the only thing you have to do is stay on the phone." I begin to walk upstairs. "Understood, and I'm guessing I'll have to leave for awhile so the police can investigate? Either way, I'm going to leave for a while." The person on the phone chuckles. "I'll make sure to tell the police that. They're on their way now." I begin to pack my things. And then someone knocks on the door. "I think they're here. I'll be hanging up now." I hang up the phone and run to the door. I open the door and see the police and...Akito, Toya, Rui and Tsukasa!? "Woah...what are you guys doing here?" I start to panic again. "We saw.the police headed over here and thought we should probably see whats going on. Are you alright Y/n?" I nod. "Yeah, I'm fine...for now." The police walk inside and so do the other four. I begin to walk back upstairs, with the four boys following me. "Y/n what are you doing?" I sigh. "I'm packing, what else does it look like?" Rui chukles. "So, where are you going to stay while the police investigate?" I sigh again. "Actually, I was planning on getting a hotel room." Tsukasa and Akito's eyes widen, then they both speak at the same time. "Nope, I'm not letting you do that, You can stay at my place." I chuckle as they glare at eachother.

𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖏𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝕾𝖊𝖐𝖆𝖎 𝖝 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗Where stories live. Discover now