Best beack day

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Douma pov
I wish we can go outside to a pool or beach with the rest if the upper moons. Maybe i can ask our lord and savior the creator if we can. That sounds weird. Oh well! Where was she again? Right in the kitchen! I ran to the kitchen and there i saw Daiki, Gyutaro, and Soso! "Soso! Can we go to the beach without dying?" "You can go at night or do you want to go during its warm?" Hmm see if we go out at night it might be dangerous what if someone gets eaten by a shark! "How about daytime!" "Alright!" "Wait how? We will be burnt." Daiki asked gently. "Well thats what sunscreen is for!" "Eh?"
I asked Muzan-sama and he said that he will go. That's surprising! He asked Nakime to teleport everyone to the exit. She agreed and teleported them to to the exit. "Alright so who wants to be my Guinea pig!" They all pointed to Gyokko aww poor him. "Alright so here you go add the sunscreen and go out to the sun!!" "Are you sure.." "Nope!" He applied the sunscreen on his arm and hesitated but put his arm out to the sun. "Is my hand gone!!" "Its not!! My test was proven correct!" "Ooh i want to go to the sun!" I was shocked to see it worked! "Alright here you go everyone!" She handed out sunscreen to us. I ran to Akaza's room and entered! "AKAZA-DONOOO!" I pounced on him so we both fell to the floor. "Your going right!" "Not if you're going!" He gave me a venomous smile while saying that. "Can you get off if me." "Hm?" I look at him and im on top of him whoops! "Haha only if you go!" "And if i don't?" "Then i will personally kiss you!" Wait what? "WHAT!?" "Now say you will go!" "Fine i will go." I was about to get off until he whispered. "Not.." "i heard that!!" "OKAY OH NY GOSH! I WILL GO TI WHEREVER!" "Yay!" Of course im not really happy but oh well maybe one day? I grabbed his sunscreen and turned him around back facing me. I started to rub his back with the sunscreen he had noticeable blush but didn't anything to stop me so i continued to apply sunscreen on his back. "Your all done Akaza-dono! Can you get mine please!?" "Naw." "But whyyy! I did your back!" "And?" "Please!!" "Naw go ask someone else." "Ugh your rude Akaza-dono!" "Im rude?" "Mhm" he rolled his eyes and went behind me. "Fine one time. Only time!" "Hah, alright!" He grabbed my sunscreen and applied the sunscreen aggressively. "Owww that hurt!" "Never said i was going to put it on nicely." He rolled his eyes again and moved my hair out the way. I plopped to the floor and laid on my stomach. "What are you doing?" "Laying down. Of course!" "Nah really! No why are you laying down? Im not finished." "Can you just put it on while im laying downnn!" "Whatever." He scooted to my side and punched my back. I yelp a bit out of shock. "Hah thats what you get asshole." "Mehhhh.." once he finished i got up and hugged him. "Thank you! Akaza-dono!" "...yeah.. NOW GO AWAY!" He pushed me out of his room and made me fall. Hmph so mean! I got up and saw Kokushibo-dono. "Hai Kokushibo-dono!" "...what were you doing in his room..?" "Putting sunscreen! Want some help?" "No just wondering.." then he left. What a quiet man. I walked outside and saw some were already waiting. "Hai you guys! I haven't seen the sun in a long time haha or even be in it!" I saw Daiki crying and Gyutaro on the verge of crying and saw some really happy that they can be outside. Hmm who would of guessed sunscreen was the solution? I saw gyokko in his pot, hantengu laying down getting the sun, Daiki and Gyutaro out in the sun hugging, Nakime smiling and they seemed to all have bathing suits on! I will described there barhibg suits im order. Daiki had the same thing on, Gyutaro had shorts on with no shirt obviously. Gyokko looked the same. Hantengu had his pants on but no shirt on. (The rest look what like the photo on the top! But Douma is wearing a a robe right now.) i walked into the sun and it felt..nice. I looked at Akaza and Kokushibo who were talking. I walked up to them, and they both stared at me like i was a criminal... wait i mean i kinda only kinda am. "Hai!" "Hello Douma.." "oh.. you." "Hey! Im cool!" I got interrupted by Muzan-sama. "Alright you guys we are still demons and shit so you know, do you want to steal a car or do we run over there.?" He is asking us? "Muzan-sama i say we just run we are faster than a car." Kokushibo questioned. "Yeah but what about the ones lower rank than you?" Kokushibo and I were thinking. "Ah! How about some of us just carry someone!" "I suppose we could still arrive in time. Alright im not picking anyone up you three take someone." I went up to Daiki and Gyutaro after all they were like my children. Akaza-dono got Gyokko after all him in his pot isn't heavy. Koku had no choice but to get Hantengu. "Alright Gyutaro go on my back and daiki i will hild you in my arms!" "You sure you can take us? We can go to Kokushibo-dono." "Nope I'm sure!" I knelt down for Gyutaro to go on my back. He seemed hesitant at first but got on. I stood up and he wasn't even that heavy! I scooped Daiki and held on to both of them. "Alright you guys ready.." Kokushibo asked in Muzans behalf. "Yep!" "Mhm." "Okay then see y'all." Muzan started running. Kokushibo looked back at us and smiled. "Beat you guys." "Huh!? No way!" "Who ever losses gets pushed into the water." Akaza looked at me and so did Kokushibo. "HEY!" Then we ran. Kokushibo was in the lead than Akaza. "Douma i will make sure to drown you." "Hah you wish." I catched up to Akaza. "C'mon Douma win!!" Daiki was cheering in my arms. "Don't drop my sister." "Akaza-dono dont drop me please." "Weeeee this is fun!" You could hear Hantengu in the front. "Don't get mad once i win Akaza-dono!" I looked in front of me and saw a tree. "OH FUCK!" I jumped on top of it and jumped off. "Damn it i wish you got hit." I ran up to Kokushibo using loads if my strength. "K-KOKUSHIBO WATCH OUT!" A rock made him slip and fall. How did he not see that.. "you good?" "I tripped because i was daydreaming you guys are so slow." I pouted and watched him pick up Hantengu off the floor. "What happened?" "Oh Koku-!" "Nothing!" "Oh alright." We waited and Koku ran off giggling. It felt nice to see us actually getting along! "HEY THATS NOT FAIR!!" Akaza left so i was alone so i started running.
Once we reached it was the middle of the day. "Hehe i didn't loose!" I was very proud if how i was second. "Haha take that Akaza-dono!" "Whatever make it quick." He rolled his eyes for loosing. I put Daiki and Gyutaro on the sand. "OOH IT FEELS WARM!" "It does.." Gyutaro agreed with his sister. "Alright everyone is here." "How did Nakime?!" "I teleported i used to come here at night." "Ahh!" I saw Kokushibo taking off his robe and walking to the water. Muzan-sama was kind enough to bring a floaty, we wont drown. Kokushibo got on the floaty and felt the water. "Warm.." Daiki ran to the water holding Nakime's hand. "EEK LETS PLAY WITH THE BEACH BALL I BROUGHT NAKIME AND ONII-CHAN!" "..oh um alright..!" Nakime was i bit shy but took her cover up off and went to play with Daiki and Gyutaro. Kokushibo was enjoying floating around it relaxed him. Akaza was looking around. Muzan-sama was looking at something and had A CHAIR? Whatever its Muzan-sama i guess! I walked a bit and decided to take off my robe. I saw Akaza and was walking up to him while taking off my robe. "Hai Akaza-dono! Ready to be thrown!?" "Huh!?" Once i took my robe off i threw it and grabbed Akaza's waist and lifted him up. I ran to the water while he was fighting me to let him go. I threw him to the water and when he looked back up at me he ran to me grabbed my wrist and pulled me ti the water. I splashed him with water then he did the same and started a water fight with all the upper moons.
Most of us are hungry but there aren't any humans around. Muzan-sama said for me and Kokushibo to go look for humans somewhere. I wanted to go with Akaza but that would take time so i guess this works! Kokushibo isn't even mean! "Hai Kokushibo-dono where will we look first!?" "..lets go over there." He pointed to a town and we looked at each other and looked back and started walking over. ".. this will come off as weird but.. do you like Akaza?" I stared at him for a while and then looked in front. "Yes i do like him!" "No like.. like him?" Ohh he means that 'love' thing! I don't know maybe. "Possibly i dont know much about emotion!" "Right.." we arrived and we split up to get more humans. We had our robes on so we can tell where we are. The second we got there people were running after seeing us. It made me giggle. I grabbed my fans put and Kokushibo took out his sword..
We ended up killing everyone in the small town.. whoops. The place was now covered with snow and ice with broken buildings everywhere. "Uhh this is not good!" I told Kokushibo. "..fuck.. well i guess we will just take a few." "Great idea Koku!" "..koku..?" "Oh I'm sorry! I thought it was a nice nickname for you!" "..koku..sounds nice..but don't say that in front of Muzan." I gasped and was about to hug him before he moved out the way and made me fall. Again! "Hmph why dies everyone make me fall!" He let out a small smile before turning to his serious face again. "I will go over there and grab some you go over there and grab some too." "Alright!!" I got up and went to opposite side Koku went.
We came back to the beach and saw most of them drooling smelling human blood. I gave Akaza a male's arm, and gave daiki her choice because she is a picky eater, and Gyutaro just chose random. I sat next to Akaza he seemed mad? I looked at what i was eating and it was a woman so i threw her. I knew he wouldn't let me sit next to him even with force if i was eating a woman. He seemed a bit more relaxed. I was hungry but WHWRE IS THE FOOD! They ate it all even the woman i threw already! Oh well! I looked at Akaza who hasn't finished so i got closer to him and he seemed confused. I got even hungrier when i saw the blood dripping down his cheek. I cant hold it in anymore!! I am hungry! I took a but out of Akaza's food and he was sitting there in shock. "What the fuck Douma!" "Im sorry but there is no food left!" He looked and saw there was nothing left. "Whatever you can just starve." He rolled his eyes to look at me with his disgusted face. "Thats so rude!" But he was right what can i do we cant go back to that town not anymore. So i just laid down and saw the sky it was nighttime already so the stars are out. I grabbed my fans and Akaza quickly took guard of me doing that u chuckled. I sat back up and played with my mini while fanning myself. I wonder if i can make a bug mini like my size! I stood up and made my 'mini' grow! It was as tall as me now and everyone was looking at me. "What are you doing.?" Koku asked. "Seeing if i can make my mini big!" Daiki ran to me "can you make a mini me too!!" "Oh uhh i can try!" I made a mini her and she seemed satisfied while it clung onto her arm. I let my big mini me go and it left. I sat back down next to Akaza. "Just three bites!?" "No" "two?" "No" "one..?!" "..fine.." i took one bite and looked at him he gave me the 'thats it' look I smiled and he knew what i was going to do. "No Douma thats all." I pouted but did what he said. I wanted to think what Koku told me about liking him. I did even notice i was looking at him. "Why are you looking at me?" "Oh! Uhh?" I got close to his face and everyone was looking except muzan. His face was pure red. I kissed his cheek and licked it where he had blood. I whispered in his ear. "Want me to kiss your lips.?" He looked at me and slapped me. I started laughing as he was red and everyone was confused. "Alright i bought a hotel near by the town you guys went in was to far for me." Muzan said. "You guys are going to be sleeping with a partner. I chose. Kokushibo is with me, Douma and Akaza, Gyokko abd Hantengu, Daiki, Gyutaro and Nakime. Got it good." Akaza seemed mad but complied with the order.
We got in the hotel and people were looking at Kokushibo and Gyokko. "Hello how can i-. AHHH WHAT ARE YOU!" And pointed at Gyokko. "Huh me haha I'm a masterpiece!" "EWWW!" "Aren't you supposed to have good customer service!" Daiki asked while rolling her eyes. "Right I'm sorry! What can i do for you.." "l want four rooms." Muzan demanded. "Yes sir!" She gave us four keys and we left. Gyokko looked at her angry. Kokushibo grabbed him. I giggled a but before getting hit in the head by Akaza. "Alright get your key and partner abd get in the room." I grabbed a key and went with Akaza. "Yay! We can spend a night with each other!" "Whatever." "Leave my sight." I picked up Akaza and entered the room. "DROP YOU DAMN IT!" "Hehe! No!"
I threw him on the floor. "Alright im taking a shower first." "No! I am!" "Nah i am." "Im a rank above you!" "And?" "Then we take a shower together!" "WHAT!?"
We ended up taking a shower together. "Can i have the shampoo Akaza-dono!" He hit me with the shampoo and poured some in my eyes. "Owwww that hurt.." "good." "Can you help me wash my hair?!" "What why? Oh right its long." "Mhm!" "Fine." "Here!" i gave him the bottle. I sat down and he did the same. He was a rubbing the shampoo on my hair ruffly then stopped after a while. "Your hair us so long! Cut it off." "Nooo i grew it out after a long time I'm not cutting it!" "Then i will." I turned around and my hair smacked him in the face. He had bubbles on his face so, he wiped them off and had a angry extension. I jumped up and he leaped to me and we started 'fighting'.
We got out and i gave him a towel and i got two. I put one on my waist and one around my shoulders. "Why are you putting one around your shoulders its a waste of towels." "It gets me dry quicker!" He rolled his eyes. He got out of the bathroom so i started changing.
I knocked on the door and he said i can leave. I left and he was sitting on the bed. "Oh? There is one bed?!" "Yeah your sleeping on the floor." "No I'm not!" "Yes you are we are not sleeping together." "Oh? Who said we were sleeping together.." i gave him a smirk. He blushed and threw a pillow at me. I saw my bag and opened it. I took out pills and he seemed confused. "Its drugs." "WHAT!?" "Im just joking haha!" "Then what are they?" "Pills duh!" "I know that but why?" "Oh it helps me sleep! I cant sleep so they gave me medicine. I never use it!" He grabbed them opened them and opened my mouth and made me chug all of the pills. I swallowed all of them. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" I pushed him away. "Were they not to make you sleep." He looked at me seriously. "Its wisteria.." "WHY DO YIU CARRY WISTERIA!!?" "BECAUSE I CAN!! OMG IM GPING TO DIE!! ITS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!" "WHAT ME!? YOU LIED!" I started crying. "Jeez I'm sorry, maybe we can ask Muzan-sama ir i dont know.." "IM GOING TO DIEHAHAEE!" "Your not dying!" He grabbed my wrist and made me stand up and run to Muzan-sama's room with Koku. He knocked while i was still crying. "WAAAA IM GOING TO DIE!" "WHAT DO YOU WANT!" Muzan yelled so i stopped crying. "Douma ate wisteria and its strong enough to kill him. "Oh then let him die." "what.." i looked at him with wide eyes. Koku cane out if the dark. "Whats going on.." "Douma is going to die." Akaza said for me. He looked at me and seemed like he was looking sad..? "Alright come in." Koku said. "What!?" Muzan said. "Oh i thought you had some sort of medication that takes wisteria out of us? You showed it to-." "Okay fine come in." He let us in and showed me to his medicine box. He tossed me a pill. "Eat up." I swallowed it. I didn't notice my veins turned purple they usually are blue or red. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I hugged Muzan then i passed out.
I woke up i was on the couch. Akaza left a note? I read it and it said he went to get food. I tried to sleep on the floor like Akaza said and then the door opened and Akaza came up to me and moved my hair out the way. "I didn't mean it.." he whispered. Everything was blurry and i felt my eyes watering. I let out a tear and i felt weak. Akaza lifted me up and placed me on the bed. He was going to sleep on the floor before I pulled him on the bed to my chest. "Don't go.." i let out before i couldn't say anything else. "Whatever idiot." He smiled and fell asleep. So i did the same.
I woke up and saw Akaza on my chest. He was hugging me! I smiled and pat his head. I tried to say something but my throat hurt like hell. I pocked his cheek, and he wiggled and turned away and put his face on my chest. "A-akza..." "mmm!" He said angrily. "Wa-ke..up.." "why.." he opened his eyes and blushed like crazy and almost fell off the bed before i caught him with the last of my energy. I was sore all around my body so i groaned when i got up. "What happened to you." I shrugged my shoulders. I looked at him and i felt some sort of way. I had a urge to put my lips on his. I got closer and he started to blush. "C-can i..?" He nodded slightly. I grabbed his head gently and kissed him. I put my hand on his cheek and let go of the kiss he put his arms around my neck and pulled me in for a kiss again. I put my hands on his waist while we were still on the bed.

I will make sure to make this the best day ever!

GRRRR IT TOOK SO LONG TO MAKE! I had a sleepover and went out with my family IM SO SORRY!!

Doukaza/kokudou oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora