Arrogant barista with overly attractive eyes

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WARNING: Mike is a toxic boyfriend who yells and manipulates. (OH MY IM SORRY IF Mike IS SOOO OUT OF CHARACTER HERE HABDLKWRL I Mean its a fiction after all soooo :3)

I apologize in advance for any grammatical problems you may encounter while reading because English is not my first language and this book has not been proofread.

Since this is is SingtoKrist/KristSingto Story and Krist will be having a series with Mike thats why i used Mike LMAO SORRY

Krist was pissed!

He stormed through the doors of the Starbucks on the corner, stopping just sort of stomping right into the person in front of him in line.

There was no way around it, no better way to express it, and definitely no nicer way. He was enraged by the way Mike treated him like a subordinate outside of work.

He was enraged by the way he consistently managed to avoid his responsibilities and dumped them on Krist and everyone else.

He was enraged by the man's apparent attitude that he could do whatever he wanted.

So why didn't he just dump that jerk right off the bat?

'Because I will always love you more than anyone else.'

'I made a mistake, but we all do, baby. Your prior boyfriends most likely had a few affairs as well. Making a huge deal out of small things like this was certainly a contributing factor in their decision to dump you. I can handle when you're being difficult, just don't test my patience.'

Bastard. Mike always found a way to make Krist feel awful and turn the tables on him. It was improper. Why did he submit to it?

'Nobody will adore you as much as I do. No one will have the same patience for you as I do.'

'I'm attempting to make this relationship work because I know you've had trouble in the past.'

There was a sour taste in Krist's mouth.

"Hello." a pleasant voice greeted him and jolted him out of his thoughts. "What can I get for you today?"

The barista's eyes caught Krist's  attention right away because they were the most stunning brown he had ever seen; Buttered chocolate with darker rays fanning out around the bottomless pit of an iris, swirled with caramel crescent moons and trapped by a thick, hazy, black limbal ring.

They appeared to have an incomparably beautiful aspect due to the way the light seemed to bend and reflect in them, yet Krist was unable to precisely identify what made these different from everyone else's. It wasn't until a cloud obscured the sun outside and the sparkle on the wire rims vanished and reappeared that he even noticed that glasses were blocking them.

Krist was brought back to the present by the man's shift to rest against the counter with a knowing smirk. Again. His day was clearly not going as planned. "Sir?"

"I- uh- yeah, I just zoned out, or something."

He winked, "It's okay, it happens a lot," which only angered Krist further. He was so sick of these jerks who thought they were everything and had the world wrapped around their fingers.

"Just make my drink asshole. One Nom Yen." (NOM YEN IS PINK MILK ;))

With the insult, the barista's smirk turned into a sneer, but after some prompting from customer service, it returned to a pained smile. On a cup, he scribbled it down. "And may I have your name for that order?"

Drink for uh, Karen?(On Going) II KristSingto/SingtoKristWhere stories live. Discover now