Chapter 1 : Interesting

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What most mortals feared is ending up in the demon realm, a cruel realm with unbalance justice. In the past, the demon realm government system is based on ranking. The strongest will be on the top while the weak on the bottom. To reach the top of the ranking, to gain more power, privilege, and recognition. Demons start to kill each other to move their rank up. It starts with a few demons getting killed until it slowly becomes a killing game. Slowly and steadily decreasing the demons in their realm.

To avoid their extinction, the top twenty powerful demons and demoness in the rank are crowned as the leaders. And take over a territory to rule over. Slowly changing it into a Monarchy government system. The ranking system still exists but those twenty rulers will still be on top of the food chain.

And that's how the demon of all secrets, the demon of the night, the shadow king, Liu Er Mihou, the six eared demon is crowned as The Macaque King. Even though he didn't build a kingdom for himself. While the other rulers quickly built up their empires and recruited lower-level demons to be their permanent citizens. The six eared demon only build a temple with a solar eclipse symbol on it as his resting place. His territory is a private domain, but he still lets other demons visit his temple to worship him, to give him their tribute in exchange he will tell them secrets they desire. It's how he manages to afford his expensive expenses with minimal effort.

The demon of all secrets, that's what they called him even before he is crowned the title of a demon king. He is gifted with six ears that amplified his hearing. He can listen to a lot of sounds from far range. No whisper can escape his ears. That's why it's intriguing when he heard spreading rumors outside his temple.

"A new demon king in the mortal realm? That's unheard of."

"He called himself The Monkey King. Demon King of flower fruit Mountain."

"He leads monkeys of course he'll be called The Monkey King. Pathetic."

" To gain immortality, he learn from a Taoist how to be immortal, erase his name from the death book, stole the peach of immortality, heavenly wine, pills of longevity,"

The six eared demon's ears twitched, "Interesting." The demon muttered. A demon king in the mortal realm, that's unheard of. Only low-rank demons want to travel to the mortal realm for small thrills. The self-proclaimed demon king gained his attention. Macaque can't help but be curious about this so-called monkey king. To be able to steal that many items from the celestial realm, the monkey king must be powerful if he is able to do that.

'I should give a small visit to the new king' the demon thought, amusedly. The black-furred demon stood up and take his prized lantern with him before sinking into the shadow below him to teleport to the mortal world. The six eared demon emerged from the shadow below a peach tree. Macaque squinted his eyes, forgetting how bright the mortal realm can be.

The six eared demon can feel the gentle breeze brush his fur. He can hear several playful chirps in the mountain and the small splashing sounds. There's probably a river stream nearby. The field under the bright blue sky decorated with white clouds painted a tranquil scene. Something that the six eared demon could adore about the mortal realm. The peaceful moment didn't last long for Macaque.

"Bang!" A loud sound erupted on the mountain, the ground slightly and laughter could be heard from afar.

The black-furred demon flinched when the loud sound harassed his ears, and his grip on the lantern loosened. Making the lantern fall to the ground with an annoying sound. The six eared demon immediately put both of his palms on both sides of his ears, covering them, hoping that it will help dampen the noisy outside sound.

"Don't you know that they didn't call me the great sage equal to heaven for nothing?!" Someone sneered from afar.

It sounds like a male voice to the black-furred demon's ears. The black-furred demon's eyebrows knitted together while his left eye twitched in annoyance. 'Geez, that person is so loud.' Macaque complained in his mind. Slowly lowering his hand to the pocket of his pants. The six eared demon takes out four noise concealer ear plugs. Top priorities things for the demon to bring.

Putting them on, the black-furred demon grabbed the lantern from the ground. And once again sank into the shadow and stealthily approached the loud noise. On the other side of the mountain, a few trees are broken, the grass around them bent, snapped into a pitiful flat form of green on the fertile brown soil. There's no doubt that there was a fight that happened here.

"Thrud!!" The sound of something slammed to the ground. The small shadow quickly searches for the source of the sound.

A brown-furred demon dressed in gold and red armor, a gold headdress with two long red feathers attached to it, and a staff rested on his shoulder. The brown-furred monkey sat on top of the pile of his fallen enemies, a smug grin stretched on his lips. A mischievous glint could be seen in his bright yellow eyes resembling gold color.

"Brothers, I won't kill you all, instead I, Sun Wukong, will give you some advice. Aren't I merciful?" The brown-furred demon sneered. While the weak demons under him grunted out of pain and the weight pressed on their back.

Macaque rolled his eyes, hidden in the shadow.

The brown-furred demon ignored the painful noise that erupted from his victim's mouth. "Next time, when you want to fight someone make sure your opponent is weaker than you. Or you will die by the hand of ruthless people." The brown-furred demon snickers, before hopping down from the pile. "Bye~," the brown-furred demon said playfully before leaving.

Macaque emerged from the shadow after the other monkey left. "There's no doubt that he is powerful," he muttered as he stared at the pile of injured low-rank demons. A new scheme pops into his mind. His eyes glow purple. "This is bound to be entertaining,"  the demon grinned.

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"He have yellow eyes resembling gold color." said Macaque who stare too much at the monkey king.

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