"No one answered Ritsu's question." Yuki spoke up. "If we're going by history, the curse would've been broken for over ten years now."

"...It has."

"So why keep it a secret? Who all knew?" Kyo finally spoke.

"I don't want to bring any more discord than what's already been mentioned."

"Well, it's too late for that." Hiro crossed his arms. Kisa immediately beckoned for him to stop, but she too couldn't help but be curious for more information.

Akito decided upon himself to answer the question. "Shigure, Ayame, and Hatori knew. To answer your other question since I'm feeling so generous... I freed him. I had no need for him any more so I decided to let him go, but I guess stupid is as stupid does since he continued to stick around. Never fear though, I have no interest in releasing any of you."

Kureno turned to their family head. "Akito."

"Maybe you should've flown the coop when you had the chance." Akito continued. Swiftly moving, he picked up the cake in the middle of the table and returned, smashing the baked good, burning candles and all, into Kureno's face. "But you can't be a clown without makeup, so I decided to help you out."

Anzu was mortified and immediately rushed to her uncle's side to try and clean him up. Luckily he wasn't burned on his face from the sudden attack, but his hands did have some scorch marks from reflexively shielding his face. As she moved to get him a napkin, Akito grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him.

"You're supposed to be by my side."

"But I-"

"Kureno, you're banished from the estate."

Anzu's eyes grew wide once the words escaped from Akito's lips. Even Kureno couldn't believe what he had heard as he reluctantly stood up.

"The rest of you can leave. I'm tired now." Akito kept talking. "I expect an apology from all of you for ruining my birthday celebration."

"I'm not leaving without Anzu."

"Excuse me?"

Momiji stood his ground as Akito reapproached him with building rage. Grabbing the closest thing in their peripheral view - a porcelain pot of tea, they dumped the contents over the teen's head. Hatori and Hatsuharu jumped up, but ultimately Anzu got to the Sohma head first and pulled at his arm.

"Please stop..." The crimsonette pleaded.

"Keine sorge, Lola." Momiji reassured her not to worry before turning to Akito. Because of all the conversation, the tea had become lukewarm so the most damage that had been done was some mild staining of his clothes. "I'm not scared of you. You're just upset because maybe the bond isn't as strong as you thought it was."

With his free hand, Akito smacked the younger Sohma so hard that the blond fell into the table. Shoving Anzu to the side, their hands enclosed around Momiji's throat. "You insolent halfbreed! You're nothing without me! How dare you disrespect me!"

Hatori and Ayame immediately pulled Akito off of Momiji as Hatsuharu and Yuki made sure he was okay. Anzu would have been by his side, but it felt like she had twisted her ankle when she hit the ground. Akito struggled against their restraints before breaking into a coughing fit. Hatori felt their head and frowned.

"How long have you had this fever?"

"Don't touch me!" Akito pulled away from them. "I will never forgive any of you for this. Anzu, we're leaving." When the crimsonette didn't move, Akito headed towards her and grabbed her hand only to feel their legs give way and their body meet the floor. Clutching the collar of their shirt, Akito let out strangled breaths as their sickness was catching up to them.

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