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You woke up in Eddies bed.You then got up and went to the living room and saw eddie sleeping on the couch. You then started cooking some pancakes.After some minutes you heard Eddie groan and come behind you -What are you cooking?- he asked-Pancakes-You said.-Mm they smell good-He said and leaned to grab one but you hit his hand-The fuck?- -They're hot.You'll burn yourself- you said but he didnt care and ate one -Shit shit shit- -I told you- you said while laughing.-You're evil- said Eddie and sat down waiting to eat. You then gave him most of the pancakes. -Hey you have less then me- he said
-Its fine I'm not that hungry- you said but he quickly shoved one of his pancakes in your mouth.-Eddie what the fuck?!- you said while covering your mouth.He then started laughing but you shoved a pancake in his mouth too after you finished yours.He then took it out of his mouth-Ewwww- you said but he ignored you and started tickling you.-Stop!!- you said but he didn't care.You then got up but he quickly throwed you over his shoulder and laid you on the bed so he could tickle you more-Eddie!!-you said while laughing -We're gonna be late for school!!- you screamed and he stopped.-You're so lucky that we have school-He said-Fuck you-You said and laughed.
At lunch —
You were sitting down with Nancy,Steve and Robin when Eddie came up to you guys-What now?- you asked -I might bring a girl home today- he said.You looked at him in pure disgust-Whatever just don't make to much noises- you said and he bursted out laughing-I'm not gonna fuck her- -I dont care- you said but you obviously did and you don't know why you cared-I'm just gonna sell her drugs.- -Okay?- -okay then.Bye princess- he said and I took my middle finger out at him so he left. -Did he just call you princess or am I hearing shit- asked Steve-Yes he did- said Nancy.-I fucking knew it- said Robin while chuckling.
After school —
-Hey Y/n wanna come to my band rehearsal?- asked Eddie while we were walking to the exit door -Sure- you said.As you guys were walking he suddenly said
-Remember when we were in sixth grade and I used to pull your hair?- he laughed-Yeah.That always made me wanna kill you.It still does.- you said and chuckled. You both went to work and after that you went to this garage where they rehearsed their songs.-Hey everyone.This is my annoying roommate Y/n- said Eddie and you hit him gently on his arm. -Ouch!-  he said and you laughed-So we have a problem.- one of the boys said-What's wrong?- asked Eddie -Our show is in a week and we dont have lyrics for our song- said the guy -Shit- said eddie while sitting down on a chair. -I can help with that- you said-How?- asked Eddie-Just play what you guys are gonna preform and I'll write lyrics.- you said -Alright then- said Eddie.They started playing and you came up with lyrics really fast.-Okay boys now play again and I'll sing.- you said.They started playing and you started singing.After singing Eddie left his guitar and hugged you. -You're brilliant-he said while smiling -Thank you Munson- I said while smiling. His eyes sparkling made me feel butterflies in my stomach -Get a room- shouted one of the guys but Eddie told them to shut up and you stuck your middle finger out to them. After you rehearsed a bit more you went to the trailer. You got dressed and heard a knock -I got it-you said.You opened the door and saw a good looking blonde girl.-Hi!- she said
-Hi?- -Umm I'm looking for Eddie Munson-
-Munson!- you screamed-There's a pretty girl looking for you- you said and Eddie got out of the bathroom-Hi Eddie!- said the girl. You let him talk to her and sat on the couch listening to them talking. -Here you go.That'll be 20 bucks- said Eddie. The girl gave him 20 bucks and left. -She was pretty- you said while looking at the TV.-No need to be jealous sweetheart.- he said.You took a moment-Jealous?Me?Ew no why would I be jealous.I don't give a fuck.- you said but he just smiled and went to his room to change.After he got out you laid on the couch and turned your back at him.He noticed and gently put your head on his lap and started massaging your head making you slowly fall asleep.
After a while you felt him carrying you to his room.He laid you down and almost went away but you said in a sleepy voice -Don't go- you said.He then smiled and laid next to you.You felt that he was too away so you put your head on his chest and hugged him-Thank you for being a good frenemy- you said.You felt him smiling and putting his hand on your head to massage you again.-No problem- he said and then you fell asleep.

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