Chapter 1

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Third Pov:

Naruto was currently making his way to the Hokage office. An anbu wearing a cat mask who had purple long hair came to his apartment and told him that the third hokage wanted to see him immediately. Naruto of course, naturally didn't argue as he never turn down a chance to see one of the few people who care for him besides his one academy teacher Iruka Umino. Once Naruto reaches the Hokage's office and he chose to kick the door open walking in shouting.

Naruto-*yells at top lungs*"Ji-San!!!"

This surprised the Third Hokage so much it cause him to jump out his chair and scream in surprise. Leave it to the prank king of Konoha to do that type thing and attempting to scare the Hokage like he did. Leave it to Naruto to surprise some as powerful as the Hokage. The Hokage quickly climbs back in his chair and glared at the wall where soft giggling was heard that you could only hear with extremely good hearing. Once the giggling had stopped the Hokage turned his glare on to the spiky haired blonde who scared him. Naruto simply chuckled with a huge smile on his face. Hiruzen dropped his glare and sighed he knew Naruto all to well. He knew Naruto wouldn't apologize for something he meant to do. Hiruzen sighed one more time before getting down to business going in what Naruto called his Hokage mode.

Hiruzen-"Naruto, please take a seat I have something important to discuss with you."

Naruto stops chuckling and smiling hearing the tone Naruto knew this wasn't his usual grandfather discussions. No in this moment his Mini was a Hokage speaking to one of his shinobi. Naruto walks over to the hokage desk and sits in one of free seats. When he sits he stays quiet waiting for Hiruzen to speak.

Hiruzen-"Naruto I am about to tell the truth to you about your mother."

Naruto's eyes widen in shock he leans forward a little. He always wanted to know who his mom was. At a young age he figured out who his dad might be when that old lady at the library miss took him for a younger version of the forth hokage. She clearly was mistaken but he never corrected her even played along. See everyone always believe that Naruto was a dead last when truth be told he was quite smart but many of his grades were sabotaged by his senseis. He also dumbed himself down because the leaf village wouldn't like having a smart 'demon'. Everyone always believe he was dead last when to be honest he was far from it. He went to library secretly and read alot. For years he made everyone believed he was the dead last loser when to be honest the only reason he failed his graduation exam twice was because of sabotaging and because he couldn't do the clone nurse because he had to much chakra.

Naruto-"so I finally get to know my mom as well."

Hiruzen-*shocked*"Wait you know who your dad is how"

Naruto-"I have a hunch because an old woman mistake me for him and then looked at a picture in your waiting room and see the resemblance it was not that hard I said nothing in case I was wrong"

Hiruzen-"so someone mistaken you for your father and that's how you figured out I am sorry I never told you he made me swear not to tell you until you made chunnin or turn 14. Your father had many enemies who would have killed you if they knew of your existence he and I believed it was best to not let people know of you."

Naruto-"It's ok Jiji I knew that which was the second reason I put up a dead last persona."

Hiruzen-"what do you mean persona?"

Naruto-"Well Jiji growing up I figured out I had the kyuubi sealed in me with how the village treats me, call me demon fox, my birthday only one that falls when the kyuubi attack and being as he couldn't kill it he must of sealed it in me. Most my sensei at the academy sabotage me to fail and sense the village doesn't want a smart 'demon' I dumbed my self down it didn't matter any way because I this was only academy teacher who care about my academic. Also no matter how smart I was I failed because I couldn't make normal clone because my huge chakra reserve. I sorry I never told you Jiji but you were always so busy so I decided to solve my village problem by playing dumb and do all stuff I did to seem less threatening. So I barely tried in school and did secret training by doing pranks and run from the Anbu and fellow shinobi."

Hiruzen-'Minato Kushina yours on reminds me so much of you both he so smart who would thought that him doing pranks was him training.' "Naruto I am so sorry I failed you and your family by not helping you more you was supposed to be seen as a hero but because of my mistakes you're not I promise you starting now I will do better even if it takes rest my life I will make it up to you."

Naruto-"Jiji I understand that the villagers are in pain and needed something or someone to blame that someone happen to be me. I forgave them already and when I was young I swore that I wanted to grow strong my dream is not what you think my dream is to become one of the village strongest shinobi become hokage and bring peace I want to work hard so if I meet someone who suffered like me I will offer them friendship. I may not bring complete peace as there will always be hate but maybe I may make it so I can bring joy and happiness to as many I can before I die. I want to start restoring my clans and make this world better for the next generation to come after me."

Hiruzen looks at Naruto in silence for a while. As he stares he could of sworn standing behind Naruto was the spirit of four people smiling with pride.On Naruto's right was his father Minato Namikaze-Senju, on Naruto's left was his mother Kushina Uzumaki, behind Minato stood Hiruzen's late sensei the first Hokage Hashirama Senju, and behind Kushina stood the Hashirama's younger brother second Hokage Tobirama Senju.

Hiruzen-'I swear he so much like them I need to make changes. Sensei would be not please with how I let Danzo, the council elders, and civilian council get away with I need to get a handle on that. Also I need to get the Hyuga clan to rid of those cage bird seal on their branch family. So much to do before the chunnin exam which is coming up in six months.' "Naruto your correct he is your father but be careful who you tell as it will not be announced until you made chunnin or are 14. So if you tell someone be sure to trust them. You also understand why I will not contact your grandma to keep it a secret. Now back to what I called you for your mother. Naruto your mother was Kushina Uzumaki."

Naruto-"Wait my mother was THE Red Devil Queen of Konoha. So not only am I part of a clan that was only rivaled by the Senju clan. A clan that it took four nations to band together to take them out mind you. But I am also the son of one of the most feared woman in the fire nation she is almost as legendary and feared as Lady Tsunade Senju and the late fourth Hokage the yellow flash of Konoha Minato Namikaze-Senju."

Hiruzen knew that Naruto knew his father was Minato and his grandmother was Tsunade. So he figured that he was pretending to not know or pretend that his father isn't him by talking about his dad like other villagers do with his title.

Hiruzen-*smiles*"Well you certainly done your research"

Hiruzen waits as Naruto sat back proccessing everything. After all it's not everyday you find out that you are heir of 3 clans and that your parents are both famous as hell. After a minute Hiruzen speaks again.

Hiruzen-"Are you ready for me to continue Naruto or you need more time?"

Naruto-"No,no I'm ok you can go on."

Hiruzen-"Well, I just want to inform you you can freely go to your family compounds just don't be seen. That's all I really wanted to say. I expected you to know nothing about your mother or your clan really so I was going to explain everything, but as it turns out you know quite alot. Now, all I have left to do is give you what your mother left for you and you can be on your way."

With that Hiruzen stood up and walks over to book shelf. He bit his thumb and smear his blood onto row of books. The blood glowed before they turn into a black chest with a painted red Uzumaki symbol on top and seal attached to it. Hiruzen picked up the chest and walks back over sets it back down in front of Naruto.

Hiruzen- "Here you go Naruto inside is a letter to you written by your mother on the night of her passing explaining everything anything else in it I have no idea she said that they were clan secrets and that the seal on it makes sure only a Uzumaki can open this chest. Just smear you blood on it."

With that Naruto nods he stands up hugs Hiruzen giving his thanks and picks up the chest leaving after saying bye. When Naruto got home he sat in his bed and just stared at the black chest. Stealing his nerves he bit his thumb. Naruto smears his blood against the seal unlocking the box making it pop open. At this moment Naruto swore to him self that he would change as he had three clans to represent but he wants to make my parents and ancestors proud. He was no longer going to fake being stupid anymore. Little did anyone know that this was the birth of a new legend. This was the birth of the Devil Flash Swordman of Konoha son of the Red Devil Queen of Konoha and Yellow Flash of Konoha.

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