Whatever it is 6

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I don't damn care Doc. You had me attacked by every darn opponent in the world whether or not they were against me using a damn Air World Punch Out game after discovering how hard it was to kill me for your Social Services by gassing and poisoning me. Over discovering that I am actually more educated than you are even in the medical field I am now allowed to even beat the hell out of you in this very room we sit. 

The next time your little social gangs even dance around to box with me on the street I'm going to beat them to death for you to save a few dollars to fund your criminal enterprise instead. The next time the Marbled mafia shows up to hand me a bag of your Harper High stones, same damn thing. I am going to kill the fucker for you. In our last session you informed me of the perfect body disposal method.

Yes unfortunately that goes for any with reason to administer an injection into my blood stream and it will forever stand for any of those trying to force a smoking cessation product also. As for anything to do with your childcare benefits your other clients throw into the smokescreen do not send them my way because your gambling system has already killed to many of their babies and I certainly now only will kill their others for them too. 

Let's play a game and see how quickly I can plug the city septic over gambling with your select sports teams. I already told my colleges that the vehicles we're giving away are abled to be mashed and rebuilt into weaponized aircraft. Or shall we keep it about business and not have ourselves murdered over this. I will not ever have another family member or acquaintance in my home until I have my own marijuana growing again and yes that is primarily to bait the bullshit and plug the sewer. 

Stuffed Too bad Badger BullWhere stories live. Discover now