a dream; epilogue

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The boy opened his eyes to see many people staring at him. His mother, father, brother, and three nurses. He looked around and figured out he was in a hospital.

As soon as his eyes were fully opened his family ambushed him with questions

"hyungu..are you okay dear?"

"what were you doing in an old park"

"do you remember anything"

He stayed quiet. His head was spinning and he couldn't recall anything for a while. He sat up as straight as he could and did his best to remember something, anything. Then...it all hit him, all at once. Instead of answering any questions, he started looking around the room searching for someone.

Confused, his family looked at him strangely. His mother was about to say something until hyungu spoke.

"where's my other brother?"

everyone looked at him strangely

Mrs. Kang: what other brother?

Hyungu: yeosang.

Mr. Kang: you don't have a brother named yeosang, taehyun is your only sibling

Hyungu looked at them in shock, he remembered having another brother, Kang Yeosang, one year younger than him, light blonde hair, brown eyes, Gemini, he remembered him so clearly

"Okay...what about my school friends, yonghoon, harin, dongmyeong, and giuk"

he asked

taehyun: ok, now you're just being weird.

hyungu: huh?

Mrs. Kang: honey...you're homeschooled, you haven't had the courage to talk to any classmates so you don't have any friends.

hyungu: what do you mean, you and dad sent me to Asteria academy at the start of the semester.

Mr. Kang: there's no school called Asteria academy..nurse is he okay

nurse: well, he has been in a coma for 2 and a half weeks, though there is very little brain activity going on during comas many patients who wake up from comas say it feels like a dream. perhaps there was enough brain activity for his mind to actually dream.

hyungu: a dream?... but it all felt so....real

taehyun: some dreams just feel like that.

A dream. though it would explain his family saying nothing he remembers was real it didn't sit right with him. Sure dreams can feel real but no dream could feel that real, and for him to remember so much detail.

But there was no other explanation. It's not like his whole family could have gotten amnesia or something.

"I...need the bathroom"

Hyungu said before de attaching any medical equipment attached to him and quickly rushing to the restroom.

He went to the sink and looked at himself in the mirror. Even he looked different from the last time he remembers looking at himself. His blue hair was now black and both his eyes were the same color.

He turned on the tap and collected water in his hands to splash himself in the face. The more he thought about it the more everything being a dream made sense, its impossible to be born with blue hair and heterochromia is a rare occurrence

He took a breath before brushing his fringe up, away from his forehead and that's when he saw it... the scar.

The scar he got when he knocked his head fighting that fire thing, he had no clue what it was but it's the last thing he remembers from before he woke up in the hospital. most likely what knocked him into that park he was apparently found in.

"think hyungu think" he whispered to himself

"the academy, pirates, some cat, rain...wait, rain"

The boy pulled down his shirt so he could see the part of his shoulder right beside his color bone and sure enough there it was. What looked like a tattoo of a raindrop.

As soon as he discovered it, it glowed purple for a second before returning to its off-black color. The scar, his memories, the mark. It was all enough evidence for hyungu to know that whatever he's remembering...

was not a dream 

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