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"Maybe we're going overboard?" Max finished icing the cake and set aside the icing spatula. "Do you think he'll be as excited as we are?"

"Why wouldn't he?" Horatio reached around Max and picked up the spatula, taking a lick of frosting.

"He's sixteen," Max said. "Kids that age don't usually get as excited about the same thing as adults."

"He's been waiting for this as much as we have." Horatio kissed Max. "And besides, Maddy isn't your typical teenager. Relax, my love. This is going to be a wonderful surprise."

Max sighed and smiled. "Yeah. You're right." He licked his lips, his smile stretching. "Sweet."

"So, um..." Horatio pulled Max into his arms. "How soon are we going to start talking about... the other?"

Max laughed softly. "Let's just enjoy this celebration for now. We'll talk about the other later."

"Do you think Maddy will like the idea?" Horatio asked. "I mean, when it comes right down to the moment of truth? So far, he's supported the idea."

"I think he will be fine with it." Max checked the time. "We better finish up; Maddy and Savannah will be here soon."

Butterflies congregated in Max's gut, fluttering madly. He couldn't understand why he was so nervous—there was no cause for anxiety.

You want Maddy to be as excited as you and Horatio.

True. But again, Maddy was a teenager, typical or not. Sometimes, it embarrassed kids to show enthusiasm about "adult" matters. Though it had never seemed to bother Maddy in the past. Max took a deep breath and joined Horatio in finishing the surprise.

Twenty minutes later, Maddy and Savannah walked through the front door. "Dad?" Maddy called out, coming through the short entry hall. "Why did you want me to come home?" The two kids entered the kitchen. "Is everything okay..."

"Surprise!" Max and Horatio shouted, startling the teens.

Maddy looked confused. "What's... this?" he asked, indicating the decorated cake and the gift lying next to it; a rolled-up paper tied off with a gold ribbon. "It isn't my birthday."

The two men glanced at each other and smiled. "It... sort of is." Max grinned wider.

Standing beside Maddy, Savannah smiled uncertainly, clearly eager to know what was happening.

"What do you mean?" Maddy asked.

"Come. Come." Max gestured to him excitedly and picked up the gift, handing it to the boy. "Open it."

Maddy exchanged a curious look with Savannah.

"Open it." Savannah gripped his arm. "I want to see what it is."

Maddy chuckled and plucked off the ribbon then slowly unrolled the paper.

His butterflies going wild, Max grasped Horatio's hand and held his breath.

Maddy looked up from the paper and stared at his dads.

"What is it...?" Savannah leaned closer. Her face went slack for a moment, then lit up with a huge smile. "Oh, my God." She hugged Maddy and kissed his face.

Max stared at the young man, a lump in his throat and tears in his eyes. "The adoption is final." He swallowed. "You're officially and legally... our son."

Horatio squeezed his hand and blinked. "And we couldn't be more proud to be your dads."

Lowering his eyes, Maddy stared at the paper. "It's... for real." When he looked up again, tears shimmered. "There was... there was always this little part of me that thought maybe... maybe it wouldn't go through, or... or you would change your mind..."

No More Victims: A Phoenix Club novellaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя