chocolate sundaes and sage advice.

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"Really?'' Lisa asked quietly. Her eyes were wide . Hannah nodded. "They were officers.. but I guess they disagreed with how Starfleet was being run. They left." Lisa just shook her head,  she didn't know how one could not want to be involved in StarFleet. She had grown up with it. To her, it felt like home.

As she was heading back to the quarters that she shared with her family, she passed by Ten Forward. Stepping inside, the young Riker sat down at the bar, placing her book bag on the stool next to her. As one of the waitresses smiled as she placed  a padd and stencil in front of eldest daughter of the Excutive Officer.
"Can I get you anything?" The waitresses asked kindly. 
Lisa nodded. "A chocolate sundae," she grinned.  She knew that she might  get in trouble, but it was worth it. She had a long day and was very tired.  When her treat arrived,  she devoured it in minutes. Smiling as she goods smeared across her mouth.

''Looks like someone is enjoying themselves," a familiar voice said smoothly. Wiping her mouth with a napkin, Lisa nodded, looking into the kind eyes of Guinan. Guinan smiled warmly at the young girl, who placed her empty bowl . "You're going to ruin your appetite. "
Lisa shrugged.  "Dad's cooking and he's.. well... he's not the best at it. Except for pizza. He makes amazing pizza," the young girl started to speak quickly. A sign that the sugar rush was about to kick in.
Guinan shook her head as she chuckled softly. "You're parents aren't going to be too happy with you eating all that sugar just now," she laughed lightly. 
Lisa shrugged again. "Probably, but I also do well in my studies and am a good person. Or at least I try to be. Even when it's hard."
"Well, you're growing up. Humans are particular creatures.  Some people want to do all the good that they can. But.."
Guianan leaned in closely. "It's also important to be true to yourself."
Lisa gave her a big toothy smile and a nod.

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