Family ties.

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"Are you sure about this?" Lisa inquired as she sat in class.  She was nervously picking at her nails. "Yes, I am," her teacher replied calmly. Lisa bit her lip, she wasn't sure how this was going to play out. "Now," her teacher, a half trill named Catherine continued, looking around at the other students in the classroom with a warm smile on her face. Lisa shrunk in her seat. She was not looking forward to this assignment. It meant talking to the one person who her father hated more than anything. "This is going to be so much fun!" her friend, Hannah beamed  as she sat next to her friend. Hannah was the daughter of one of the engineers. They had met when both of their parents were stationed on the Pegasus.  Hannah and Lisa became fast friends.  They were both beyond happy when they found out that their parents were going to be serving on the Flagship of The Federation. 

"I'm not sure," Lisa replied with a heavy sigh. "I have to talk to my Grandfather," she added. 


"Because my Dad hates his father," Lisa replied honestly.  She glanced at her friend. 

"Why does he hate him?"

"Because my Grandfather didn't really do much for my Dad as a parent," Lisa added. "He left when my Dad wasn't much older than I am. My father raised himself."

Hannah went wide eyed. "I'm sorry for your Dad," she said with sympathy in her voice. "Your family has some interesting parts.''

Lisa let out a snort. "You're telling me," she laughed lightly. "But at least I have family on my Dad's side. My mom doesn't have any family. None that she talks about at least. Way too much drama."

"Such as?"

"General Court martial level drama," Lisa sighed. "Her brothers have been in and out of cells since they were my age. They joined a group that call themselves The Marquis."

Hannah went wide eyed again. "The terrorist group?" she wisphered in a low, shocked voice.  Lisa nodded. "My Uncles are leaders in that group," she wisphered back. 

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