Chapter 6 | The Reign of a Tyrant

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Umbridge's presence at the school had gone from tolerable at best to absolutely irritating. For most people anyway. Neera seemed to be spared her tyranny. 


"What's happened to Dumbledore," a reporter called out as a photographer took a picture of Neera and Delores for the front page picture of the Daily Prophet. 

Though Umbridge had been named High Inquisitor, she still often asked for Neera to join her on inspections when she wasn't teaching a class. Though Neera hated trailing after her like a slave, it meant that her classes were exempt from her report, which helped her to breathe easy.


"Having already revolutionized the teaching of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Delores Umbridge will, as High Inquisitor, have powers to address the seriously falling standards at Hogwarts School."


It was now common to see Umbridge walking the halls of the school with a clipboard in one arm and a pen in the other as she scrutinized everything about the school, from the infrastructure, to the presentation of the students, to the teacher's classes.

As she rounded one corridor, she noticed that a couple was lost to the world in a slow, but passionate, snogging session. She smirked to herself and with a flick of her wand, the two students found themselves sliding to either end of the bench. 


Umbridge cut Professor Trelawney off as she tried to teach the students about the art of Divination. Though Neera was supposed to be "inquiring" she found herself instead speaking in hushed tones with one student in particular about the woman's credibility. A young girl by the name of Kassandra.

"And she's your mother," Neera asked. Umbridge glanced over at her. She quickly pretended to take notes on whatever Kassandra had just said, but recorded nothing other than the fake notes that she would later hand in to Umbridge when the time came for it. 

"Yes," Kassandra said. "Unfortunately our family was cursed so that we would never be believed for our prophecies."

Neera inhaled and looked away from Kassandra, intrigued by the curse. It seemed that they were going around Hogwarts. 

"Just one question, dear," Umbridge said as she cut Trelawney off again. "You've been in this post how long... exactly?"

Neera noticed Malfoy off in the corner elbowing his friends and rolled her eyes at him. Of course he was acting like a petulant child during all of this. 


Once again, Umbridge was roaming the halls, on the lookout for anything that might not fit her standard. This time it was three boys who had been rather careless with their attire that morning. Umbridge waved her wand and the ties around their throats were pulled tight, choking them at the sudden pressure. Umbridge checked their shirts as she walked past, and when she noticed that they were untucked from their pants, she waved her wand again, tucking in their shirts for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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